SuperCountries WAR: 4 main ways to share the jackpot (+ 2 extra)

How to be one of the 4 to 18 winners of the huge jackpot? There are 8 to 5200+ Ether to share playing WAR, the first additional game to SuperCountries.

3 min readOct 24, 2018

What is SuperCountries WAR?

  • A worldwide struggle for a big jackpot on the Ethereum blockchain between all countries from the original SuperCountries game.
  • Players have to eliminate countries sending nukes (nuclear bombs). The less standing countries at the end, the higher the reward. The game stops when one country remains or no bombs nor kings for 7 days.
  • Starting at 8 ETH, the pot can reach 5200+ ETH if only one country stands.
  • For more fun, there is not one but 4 main ways to win (automated on the blockchain) and 2 extra ways (off-chain).

Main ways to win the jackpot (on-chain)

These ways are hard-coded on the Ethereum blockchain. The jackpot will be sharable automatically by the winners when its countdown is reached, that means one country remains or no bombs / no kings for 7 days.

  1. Be the last nuker: 50% of the jackpot
    Send nukes on countries to eliminate them. When the jackpot time is reached, the last player to send a bomb on a country wins the highest share of the game. The less countries on the map, the higher the nuke price.
  2. Own the right country: 44% of the jackpot
    Countries are spread across 16 continents. The owners’ part will be shared between the owners of standing countries of the winning continent. To own a country, players need to purchase it first on the marketplace (SuperCountries Game#1). So the less standing countries in a continent, the higher the potential reward for remaining owners.
  3. Be the right king: 4.5% of the jackpot
    There are 16 continents and 16 kings. Every player can become the king of a continent paying a small fee. Be the king of the winning continent when jackpot and win. The king price evolves but slowly.
  4. FREE! Be the best lover: 1.5%
    Spread peace sending loves to your favorite countries. The player who sent the most loves to the winning country will also share the jackpot. Sending loves is free (only gas fees occur).

Extra ways to win (off-chain, separated pot)

  1. SOLVE RIDDLES: 5% of the last nuker share + Trophy Card
    8 riddles, 16 countries to find. Nuke the right ones and win a top bounty. This is the only way to secure a place for victory long before the end of the game.
  2. MEDALS OF HONOR: 5% of the last nuker share
    Play 16 regular contests (Twitter, Facebook, best blog article…) and win Medals of Honor. Some are continuous, some are in turn. The owner of the right medal will win 5% of the last nuker part.

5% means approx. 130 ether if one country remains. This percentage will not be subtracted from the nuker part. This is for calculation only. There is a separated pot for the extra ways.

How to win regular ether before the jackpot?

  1. Trophy Card owners (in turn): 2% when nuke or new king. To get a Trophy Card, buy it on the Marketplace or win it (Marketplace > Trophies section). The number of Trophy Cards is limited.
  2. Last nuker: ∼10% when new king.
  3. Country owners: 2% when their country is nuked.
  4. Best lovers: 2% when the country is nuked.

More details on SuperCountries.Com

This is a summary, join us on SuperCountries WAR for complete rules from October 25th, 2018.


When? October 25th, 2018
Blockchain? Ethereum
Where to play?

Twitter: @SuperCountries #supercountries #SCWar
Facebook: /SuperCountries




The first cryptogame with lifetime Ethereum rewards for each player, even if they leave.