Stand Out From The Crowd By Building A Niche Of One

Building A One-Person Business From Scratch

Building A One-Person Business
5 min readJan 31, 2024


Photo by Andrej Nihil on Unsplash

It’s day 9 of me building a one-person business from scratch, and the most important thing for me to do is identify a niche, an ideal avatar, and an offer.

In this article, I will guide you through the process of creating a niche of one, with a simple formula that you can also follow.

In order for me to accomplish these key tasks, there are a couple of variables that I must address:

  • Finding a problem to solve. All businesses are essentially built on the simple equation of problem + solution = business.
  • My unique skillset. What are my unique skills and talents that give me a competitive advantage?
  • My interests. What am I interested in? What is my unique philosophy?

Finding A Niche

My whole philosophy around finding a niche is heavily influenced by people like Dan Koe and Justin Welsh — the founding fathers of the one-person business.

They essentially say, “You are the niche. Your unique perspectives, life experience, and skillset create your own niche.”

Doing this puts you in a category of one-of-one.

In a highly competitive and saturated market, it is imperative that you put yourself in a category of one-of-one.

This allows you to differentiate yourself from the masses and sell at a price that is governed by your terms.

So, how do you put yourself in a category of one-of-one?

To create a niche of one, you must understand your skills and interests and combine them together in a singular comprehensive idea.

The formula that Justin Welsh provided is this:

Your Skills — Something You Excel At

Photo by Pereanu Sebastian on Unsplash

For me, my skills lie in writing.

However, writing is a broad field, so I need to be more specific.

In the marketplace, there are currently many different types of writers, but I am going to narrow it down to just three that I can possibly do:

  • Copywriting: Crafting persuasive, action-oriented copy for advertisements, marketing materials, and product descriptions.
  • Content Writing: Creating engaging and informative content for websites, blogs, and social media.
  • Ghostwriting: Writing books, articles, or other content on behalf of someone else, with the authorship credit going to the client.

Out of these three, I am primarily interested in content writing and copywriting.

I know how to write engagingly, and I certainly have a personality.

I don’t mind using strong language (like fuck) in my writing to emphasize my point.

I believe that a lot of content lacks this element; it is often too professional, too PG, and way too boring.

I enjoy learning, and one thing that makes something incredibly difficult to learn is when it’s boring as shit.

That’s why I strongly believe that the intersection between education and entertainment is what creates incredible value.

If you don’t believe me, I recommend reading “The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A Fuck” by Mark Manson.

When it comes to persuasion, I can sell sand to a beach.

Persuasion is the art of leading a person from one perspective to another.

I developed this skill during my high school days when I was a manipulative little twat.

Somehow, managing to convince my teachers to still like me even though I was a burnout stoner and rarely did my homework.

Photo by LexScope on Unsplash

Your Interest — What You Are Passionate About

What I am passionate about is business, entrepreneurship, and one-person businesses.

But what I am most passionate about is the value of freedom.

I am passionate about freedom, and that’s what I strive to create in all my endeavors.

I take that same philosophy into the realm of business and entrepreneurship.

I mean, what is the point of having a business if you become a slave to it?

Thankfully, in this day and age, we have the internet, which provides access to systems and automation like never before.

Believe it or not, content writing is actually a form of automation if you approach it that way.

Producing top-notch content establishes an everlasting asset that can generate long-term revenue.

Content becomes a rabbit hole that you can skillfully guide a reader down, and before they even know it, they will be buying your products.

The best way to do this is through the value of authenticity.

Who would have guessed that being an authentic person with genuine intentions of providing value and sharing real ways to help would make people want to buy from you?

Well, most annoying “salesy” and money-hungry entrepreneurs haven’t been able to.

To summarize, I am passionate about creating automation through a skillfully crafted content web that guides readers down a rabbit hole and into your products and services.

Photo by Artem Maltsev on Unsplash

Your Idea — A Combination of Those Two

So, my idea essentially is to create content that is both entertaining yet educational, creating immense value for the reader.

I aim to become an antagonist against “salesy,” annoying, manipulative, money-hungry entrepreneurship, and be a guiding light for authenticity and providing real value.

Creating automation through skillfully creating content that guides a reader down a rabbit hole and into your products without them even knowing it’s happening.

To Conclude:

Through these three elements, I have essentially carved out a niche for myself.

I choose to polarize by targeting money-hungry entrepreneurs and self-absorbed business enthusiasts.

Polarizing yourself creates a lot more attention because it shows you are willing to stand for something different than the masses.

Additionally, I bring value through content that is both educational and entertaining, which sets me apart from all the boring, dry, and repetitive educational content.

This highlights me once again in a niche of one.

Lastly, I transform it into an offer by implementing a subtle yet powerful sales funnel that is focused on educating the audience, rather than selling them.

In conclusion, this approach allows me to establish my unique presence and puts me in a category of one-of-one.

Thanks for reading…

Here are my other articles on Building A One-Person-Business:



Building A One-Person Business

Join me as I build a writing business from 0 to 6 figures over the course of a year. I will be sharing everything I learn along the way.