The Best 5 Yoga Poses to Get Flexible Hips

These beginner poses can help you become a faster, stronger, and less injury-prone runner. It’s all in the hips.

Khyati Jain
Runner's Life


Photo by Artem Beliaikin from Pexels

As a Yoga instructor, I am liable to inform you that hip opening can be one of the most challenging yet satisfying experiences of your life. You will not necessarily like the process but you will definitely love the result.

Our ancestors used to hunt and gather food, they had an active lifestyle. They used to squat for rest — not sit but squat. (A good old deep squat).

We are an active species, sitting in front of a computer or television for long hours is not the ideal scenario for our health. A sedentary lifestyle is causing a lot of health problems nowadays, including high blood pressure, depression, anxiety, and osteoporosis. Sitting for an extended time is one of the major causes of tight hips.

Having tight hips can cause many problems including lower back pain, poor posture, and misalignment.

Regular and long-distance running can cause muscle tension around the hips and can shorten the hip flexors because of overstraining the quads.

Hip-opener stretches should be incorporated in your stretching routine to regain the mobility and range of motion…



Khyati Jain
Runner's Life

10x Top Writer| Certified Yoga Trainer| I write about health, fitness, lifestyle, and more. Open to writing gigs. Contact:-