MediLOT’s Proof of Concept!

MediLOT Technologies
MediLOT Technologies
2 min readAug 13, 2018

MediLOT is delighted to present our Proof of Concept (PoC)!

This video shows both the Hospital and Patient Client with dual blockchain capability via the Hyperledger++ and Ropsten network. Current integration with the Ropsten network is via Metamask.

Through the video, we showcase our MediLOT Platform and introduce the multiple roles in our PoC. You may view our PoC video here:

Through our platform, doctors are able to create new medical records for patient after their visits.

Patients will be notified once a new medical record has been created by doctors. They are then provided with 4 options for the medical record: Approve without Notification, Approve and Get Notification, Approve and Make Private, Reject and Flag. Once patients have approved the new medical record, it will be added to their records, which can be viewed easily.

Analysts and Data Requestors
Using GEMINI, analysts may request for appropriate data samples from our system. After payment has been confirmed through the ERC20 network, the analyst will be able to gain access to the records. In our PoC, MediLOT has also featured two analytical models that are present in GEMINI, namely our Disease Progression and Readmission Rate models.

About MediLOT Technologies

MediLOT is a decentralised healthcare platform built on blockchain, Artificial Intelligence and database management system technologies for patients, healthcare providers, researchers and commercial companies. Integrating the principles of patient centricity, privacy, and equitable data sharing, MediLOT leverages on technologies with over 5 years of development that have been featured in numerous peer reviewed scientific publications.

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MediLOT Technologies
MediLOT Technologies

MediLOT is a decentralized health data protocol built on the principles of patient centricity, privacy, and equitable data sharing.