The Philosophy Of All Self-Improvement Advice

Jordan Peterson bares self-improvement to its bones.

Khyati Jain


A man working.
Photo by Geralt on Pixabay

Do you want to improve your life?

Do you feel like whenever you start to get a hang of this self-improvement movement they change the rule?

Do you wish to learn the secret of self-improvement? To better your life once and for all.

Jordan Peterson is a bestselling self-improvement author. He preaches self-improvement wherever he goes. On Joe Rogan's podcast, he breaks down the philosophy of Self- Improvement.

He simplified self-improvement movement to its bone. You can form every habit with ease following his rules.

Low Expectation Yields Higher Results

Aim lower. Aim at something you will in fact do. Do it. Then, having succeeded, aim a bit higher. Capiche? — Jordan B. Peterson

Self-improvement is addicting, the first tiny result you experience reels you in.

You have read about the benefits of daily exercise habits a million times. So you finally decide to start a 10-minute exercise routine in the morning. After a week you realize that you have more energy and better…



Khyati Jain

10x Top Writer| Certified Yoga Trainer| I write about health, fitness, lifestyle, and more. Open to writing gigs. Contact:-