4 Cliche Pieces of Life Advice that Are Actually Incredibly Helpful

Wisdom-packed gems in the morass of wishy-washy cliches

Neeramitra Reddy
Peak Productivity
Published in
4 min readJan 4, 2022


Man with headphones looking into the waves during a windy day
Photo by GEORGE DESIPRIS from Pexels

As a contrarian Atheist, I used to denounce cliches and culture with a passion — and derive orgasmic joy from ridiculing “traditional” folks.

But since a string of spiritual experiences, I’ve gained a newfound respect for the wisdom in cliches, religious epics, and proverbs.

Cliches are cliches only because they have proven true time and again. Why else would we keep rehashing them for decades and centuries?

But while most of them are wishy-washy and vague, a few are succinct and highly practical.

I want to share 4 such nuggets of advice with you.

Wake up With the Rising Sun

Back in college, I used to take pride in sleeping at 4–6 AM → My smirk screamed, “Haha! You nerdy suckers are waking up? I’m going to bed now.”

Groggily waking up at 1 PM, I’d head straight for lunch and restart my binge session. After a brief gym break, I’d hop right back in—with my bloodshot eyes and throbbing head.

Since I started waking up at 6 AM, my life’s done a 180-degree. My day job, writing, family time, meditation, cold showers, reading…



Neeramitra Reddy
Peak Productivity

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