Ditch Hustle Culture And Make Time to Care For Yourself

Maggie Kelly
CRY Magazine
Published in
2 min readDec 21, 2021


Take the needed time off, recharge, and come back once you’ve rested.

Photo by Alisa Anton on Unsplash

There seems to be this myth in the Western world that if you want to be successful, you have to be moving constantly. We battle over how many hours we work in the week and how little sleep we get and act like it makes us superior.

The only thing this is doing is leading to burnout and mental health problems. With rising stress levels and higher rates of depression, it’s a wonder nobody feels happy.

You don’t have to constantly be moving or getting things done. In fact, if you are it’s likely you feel tired frequently. Have you considered what it would feel like to not be so tired?

Your body is trying to tell you something. It’s telling you to slow down and rest. Your body is wise. It knows what you need and will tell you, so long as you listen.

It’s okay. It can feel weird to rest when you’re so used to being in ‘go’ mode. Your tendency is to pick something up and keep going. You just want to feel productive.

But nobody tells you that your productivity is hindered when you ignore your body’s signs and forge ahead without listening.

Your body is smart. It knows when you’re doing too much and it knows that you need a break.



Maggie Kelly
CRY Magazine

Maggie Kelly is a ghostwriter who writes about mental health and personal development. https://mindfulmillennialbusinesswomen.com/