AirSwap Team Update: Jan. 26, 2018

Published in
5 min readJan 27, 2018

Token Trader going live on Feb. 1 with Ledger support, presenting at the Berlin DEX meetup, top 10 at Extreme Tech Challenge at CES, announcing the #airswapgo beta, and AMA with AirSwap Advisor Clifford Hart on Jan. 31.

Token Trader Going Live!

We’re excited to announce that Token Trader is going live on mainnet on February 1st, 2018. We thank those who assisted in testing along the way. Our private release on January 16th was a success and helped us pressure test our design and operations playbook. As we gear up for the 1st, we’ll be supporting AST and ETH, and additional token pairs over the coming days and weeks. Token Trader is the first step on The AirSwap Roadmap, with the next milestone, Token Marketplace, squarely in view.

Extreme Tech Challenge

Don presented at the Extreme Tech Challenge 2018 Semi-Finals. Judges included the president of Samsung US, the CEO of CES, and other prestigious tech giants. It was a humbling experience to be selected and to pitch among the top startups around the world. We did not secure a spot in the top 3, but were asked by the organizers to visit Necker Island to meet with Richard Branson to discuss and share our vision of AirSwap.

Mobile Beta Announced

We’ve announced the beta of our mobile app, AirSwap Go. We’ve just about filled our testing group, but if you’re interested in joining us just tweet #airswapgo and we’ll be in touch as we bring more people on board.

Berlin DEX Workshop and Meetup

Oved joined several other decentralized projects at a workshop hosted by the Web3 Foundation in Berlin, and presented at a DEX meetup the following evening. The energy and community in Berlin are incredible and we greatly enjoyed being a part of the conversation and to have the opportunity share and discuss our peer-to-peer design.

Bloomberg TV Features AirSwap

Our launch of the AirSwap Token (AST) on October 10th, 2017 was filmed by a crew from Bloomberg and published today. It captures a critical moment for our company and gives an inside view of some of the action. While an exciting story, it’s important to remember that the AirSwap Token was sold for use by traders on our platform as a utility, not an investment. Give it a watch below:

HER NYC: Cryptocurrency 101

Maggie Hsu, who runs our business development and partnership efforts, was invited to speak about crypto at HER NYC. She was also featured in this piece about women thought leaders in blockchain and crypto.

Ask me Anything (AMA) with Clifford Hart

Starting next week, we are introducing our AirSwap Advisor AMA Series, beginning with Clifford Hart (夏千福). The AMA is up in this Reddit thread, feel free to ask him any questions about his involvement with AirSwap or his background and experience!

In short, Ford is a former senior diplomat who was one of the U.S. Government’s top China hands until his recent retirement, and who has served throughout Washington. He was the China/Taiwan director for the White House National Security Council. At the Pentagon, he served as Foreign Policy Advisor to the Chief of Naval Operations. At the State Department, he was Director of the Operations Center Deputy Director for Crisis Management.

Goldman Sachs Investor Conference

The Annual Goldman Sachs Investor Conference has selected AirSwap to speak about our decentralized global marketplace. The talk with AirSwap will be moderated by the Head of Principal Strategic Investments, Alokik Advani. The event is over-subscribed with 150 private wealth management clients of Goldman Sachs confirmed to come listen and ask questions. AirSwap is honored to have been chosen as a trusted thought-leader in this space as we continue to expand our relationship.

AirSwap In the News

New York Times wrote a wonderful piece about the current state of blockchain, “Beyond the Bitcoin Bubble.” It offers a look inside several of today’s promising blockchain companies around the world, including our joint venture partner, ConsenSys.

Oved Interviewed by CGTN America

Don Interviewed by David Hay

Oved at Ethereal SF

The AirSwap Community

It is truly amazing to see how awesome our community has become. More than just a typical crypto chat, our Telegram group frequently engages in intellectual discussion and is open and welcoming to newcomers. As an example, at the time of writing this blogpost, Deng-Fu Hsiao was teaching community members why trading on AirSwap is more favorable, from a traditional finance perspective. Join us on Telegram to discuss trading and tech anytime.

About AirSwap

AirSwap enables peer-to-peer trading on the Ethereum blockchain. Built on a decentralized protocol, traders can add or remove liquidity through a suite of trustless products that are easy to use and free. Our mission is to empower the world with frictionless trade.

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AirSwap is a developer community focused on decentralized trading systems.