Why I’m Going All-In on Medium in 2024 (and Beyond)

No, it’s not to sell you a $19 Medium guide or a $199 course

Neeramitra Reddy
The Startup
Published in
6 min readJan 15, 2024


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“Diversify” used to be investment advice.

It’s now content creators’ gospel. Create on one platform — spray chopped bits and regurgitated versions across others. With schedulers and AI rephrasing tools, this has never been easier.

Need I mention the “courses” and “coaches” that teach “content creation”?

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I could not resist this FOMO gravy train for long.

To “hedge” against Medium, I “diversified” into Twitter/𝕏 and LinkedIn.

Long-form on Medium. Diced bits and raw insights on 𝕏 — the best of both for LinkedIn. “1-2 hours of extra work per week. That’s it!” I’d thought.

Boy had I underestimated the time (and sanity) drain.

1000s of notifications. 100s of replies. 10s of direct messages. Fried dopamine receptors. Anxiety. FOMO. Stress. Fragmented focus and purpose.

After an existential crisis, deep reflection, and soul-rousing discussions, I’ve decided to go all-in



Neeramitra Reddy
The Startup

(Un)learning... ✦ 3M+ Views ✦ Soulful 360° Self-Development✦ Building manximize.com ✦ 📩 neeramitra.writes@gmail.comneeramitrareddy.com