Get a free 30 minute expert design review on your startup’s website. 

2 min readOct 27, 2013


Hackernews, our startup can help your startup.

Our startup’s idea is to give 30 minute website reviews from expert designers.

Our designers will review your website, giving you expert feedback on how to make it better. It will give you a few ideas on things like font, colours, arrangement, use of graphics etc. You get an annotated screenshot and pdf report that gives you expert feedback on the state of your website.

See here for an example of one already complete

But we need your help. We have got great designers who are keen, but we need websites for them to review.

We have done reviews so far for $75, but we want to get things going a bit faster to fine tune the review process. We thought the best way to do that was to give away free reviews on HN.

So if you are keen, we will get an expert designer (we we will let you know the designer) to review your website for free. All we want is a bit of feedback on what you thought of the review process after your review is complete.

Post your web address on this HN thread ( ), or send an email to to get things going.


InputFarm team!

