Writing Is Not About Words but About Ideas and Feelings

Sometimes we see writing as how many words or how perfect the format is, when it is actually not

Kevin Nokia
5 min readMay 15, 2024
Photo by Sixteen Miles Out on Unsplash

I wrote 3000+ words yesterday.

I wrote many words and ideas to make it longer. I write, write, and write, and at the end, it doesn’t make any sense what the article is about. I thought that how many words and fancy words I wrote were needed to make great writing.

I then tried to write every day but failed to do it consistently, and I thought, “Maybe I need a perfect writing routine.”

I then tried to find the “perfect” writing routine. I followed famous writers on how they achieve certain words every day, the time when they write, and what they write about too. This actually makes me obsessed with being “perfect.”

I thought that writing had to be perfect in order to enjoy it and become the best at it, but now I realize it’s not about being perfect.

Writing is a way to put our minds and feelings into words

The words that we write are what we communicate to others.

The problem is that I keep on writing, trying to become perfect, and finding the best words from my mind but not from my feelings.

Then I found out that what makes writing beautiful is feelings.

If you only rely on writing with your own mind and the perfect formatting and words, go ahead and read some journal articles.

There’s a lot of writing in perfect format there.

The thing is, we aren’t writing academic or journal articles, right?

We are here to write something that connects with our own feelings and hopefully others.

Sometimes we can write actionable guides, like “How to Become the Best Writer.” Even so, the message that you put in, whether it’s an opinion article or an actionable guide article, really connects with what you feel.

Most of the time, I research my headlines every day with my feelings.

I think about the problems that I face today. What makes me feel like, “I need people to know about this, at least how to deal with it from my own experience?”


Headlines are where I put my feelings into them in order to find the best headline.

Headlines need SEO and other skills that can persuade the readers too, but the main key before writing the headline is, “What message do I want to share with people?”

  • You don’t have to be the best writer in order to start writing.
  • You don’t have to be a scientist to start writing your research.
  • You don’t have to wait until you are old or experienced enough to start writing.

We sometimes get stuck with consuming instant gratification too much and forget that the simplest thing in writing and reading is just doing it.

The key to writing

The best thing about writing is to write with your feelings.

I have days that I write about my feelings. I sometimes didn’t get a lot of views from it, but my message has been delivered. I’m grateful that sometimes one or more people read it and get the idea of it, especially the self-improvement articles.

I feel like many people don’t know how to start from 0 to 1 in their self-improvement, reading, and writing habits, which is why I decided to make it on Substack in the future.

That’s how I feel, and that’s why I could write this article and other articles that I have written.

It’s just you and how you feel, and then let the words out.

You write, write, and write.

Just forget about the perfect format or writing.

Just start writing.

That way, you can even finish your books or articles.

The next step is where you need to draft in order to polish your craft. Drafting helps you eliminate unnecessary words or fix the format before publishing. So, drafting could be done tomorrow.

For today, start writing.

I know you might feel like writing itself is hard, and I don’t know what I want to write about.


Try freewriting or journaling.

Write down how you feel or how’s your day, and let your fingers start moving.

When you have accomplished the first step, which is moving your fingers to write, you can now continue to write what you want to write.

  • Do not think about the grammar.
  • Do not think about the format.
  • Do not think about the “perfect” words.

Just write it down and edit it later.

Even so, how do you write with feelings?

In order for you to start connecting with what you feel and start writing, you need to understand what you wanted in the first place.

We all want to write because there’s a reason behind it.

  • Why do you want to start writing?
  • Why do you want to give people these ideas?
  • Why do people need to hear this?

This really hits the feelings sometimes, and whenever I write something that is far from my why, I become lazy and not make the best craft.

The key here is just focusing on how you feel and how you can connect it to your writing.

Think about your days and about solutions that people need to hear from your own experience. The more you can connect to yourself, the more you can easily or unconsciously connect to other people.

I never write or think about “this article will relate to people.”

I always start with what I feel and experience and how I find a solution for it. I then write it down and make it simple so people can understand it easily. This way, people might find it relatable because we are human beings. We feel the same way about certain problems sometimes, and you only need to share them with the world about those problems and how you find solutions to them.

People might find it relatable, or people might feel better after reading your articles; that’s what I call beautiful writing.

When you sit down to write, remember that it’s not about using fancy words or perfect grammar. It’s about sharing your ideas and feelings with others in a way that really connects with them.

So don’t stress about getting everything perfect — just focus on being yourself and writing from the heart.

New Substack! ✨

I’ve been working on making my articles more structured and exclusive, and I found the perfect platform in Substack.

I’m excited to share two new newsletters with you:

  • Kevin Nokia Writing: My personal journey from struggling through depression to becoming a successful individual.
  • I Am Literate: Discover how to replace scrolling addiction with effective reading habits to improve focus and attention span.

Join now for exclusive articles and a growing community!

Essential Resources for Your Journey 📚

  • My Booknotes (Free) | Download here
    Understand What You Read with Implementation Guide
  • Life-changing Blueprint (Free) | Download Here
    How to Change Your Life with Implementation Guide
  • 30-day Simple Habit Tracker (Free) | Download Here
    Track Your Daily Habits with Customizable Months



Kevin Nokia

Building reading and writing habits to eliminate doom-scrolling with I Am Literate https://substack.com/@kevinnokiawriting