Western Sahara: Polisario Front Disputes Targeting of Civilians in Smara Attack

Michael Walsh
The Democracy-Security Paradox


On 29 October 2023, a series of explosions in a city located in the Moroccan-controlled zone of Western Sahara reportedly killed and injured civilians. The Polisario Front has claimed responsibility for those attacks.

A recent article co-authored by Ahmad Sharawi and Mohsine El Ahmadi declared that the Smara attack marks a significant change in the rules of engagement observed by the Polisario Front in their conflict with the Government of Morocco.

According to Sharawi and El Ahmadi, “the Polisario Front chose to target the civilians.”

The Washington Representative of the Polisario Front disputes those allegations.

The Polisario Front remains committed to conducting their armed struggle in accordance with international humanitarian law at all times, says Mouloud Said.

Said contends that the Polisario Front never targeted civilians during the Smara attack. “They were in the wrong time and place,” explains Said. “One of the devices went to the wrong place. The airport was the objective.”

“We feel sorry for any civilian who dies,” adds Said. “The Sahrawi are very proud of our record. This is the first civilian casualty in 50 years. We have never had the intention of having civilian casualties.”

Said stresses that it is important to understand the wider context of the allegations. On his account, “the objective of the article is to pin” the Polisario Front “as a terrorist group.”

Image Credit: Bertramz via Wikipedia



Michael Walsh
The Democracy-Security Paradox

Michael Walsh is a Visiting Scholar in the Center for Middle Eastern Studies at the University of California, Berkeley. Views expressed are own.