Why I want to help 9 999 refugees get jobs?

Hussein Shaker
2 min readFeb 12, 2016


This post is part 5/5 of a series from the founders of Migrant Hire, where each of us explain why we personally want to help 10 000 refugees get jobs. (Links to my co-founders posts are below).

Being a refugee myself I faced a lot of obstacles, starting with my journey from Turkey to Germany. I lost everything in my country, and after I became recognised as a refugee in Germany, I have to start to build a future again. I started to learn German, because in order to be integrated into the German society, the language is very important. After a few months I started to look for work, but the big issue for me was that since I didn’t speak German, I didn’t know where I could find work. It’s so hard to find, and since I just started my German classes a few months back I don’t speak German very well yet.

When I met Remi Elias Mekki (MigrantHire CEO) who told me about his idea of changing his YoungHire project over to MigrantHire, I was so excited about the idea that I told him “okay, let’s do it”. It didn’t take long before I became a part of the really awesome team as a co-founder. I will do everything I can to help other refugees get the same opportunity that I got. Joining the team also means that I am the first hired via MigrantHire.

I want to help 9 999 refugees because I know that a lot of us are really qualified and we are only waiting for a chance to start working and taking a place in this new country that we have arrived in. I know from personal experience that it is very difficult to arrive in a new country, not knowing how things work, and trying to integrate. If we can help other refugees get a job, they will no longer need to get money from the Job Center, and instead start taking their first step towards integrating into this new country.

If you are a refugee, please sign up to our website, it only takes 2 minutes.


Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3

Part 4:

