The perfect data pipeline doesn’t exist: modern data stack edition

This is gnna be expensive

Hugo Lu
8 min readJun 19, 2023

This is a multi-part article series where I dive into the ideal stack you’d use for a data engineering pipeline given constraints around what software providers to use. I aim to provide some indications of cost, ease of use, and functional limitations / cool features.

Original article: Azure

This article focus: Modern Data Stack

The modern data stack edition

If, for whatever reason, you work at a company that can have its needs adequately fulfilled by tools solely within the modern data stack, this article outlines what your data pipeline would look like and also looks at the cost, time and effort you’d spend implementing it.

Data ingestion

You are ingesting data from third party sources and proprietary SQL Databases. You may also have some real-time streaming data
you need to ingest. There may also be some CDC you wish to do on legacy tables where bothering the engineering team to change the structure is not worth it.

Solutions: Fivetran / Stitch / Estuary / Airbyte (if you want to code)

Cost: A lot! If you have even 100m rows you’re looking at at least $50k p.a. for this part of your stack. Although really, these sales teams are now so sophisticiated it’s unlikely you’ll be able to get enterprise support without them having a call or two with you and calibrating your willingness to pay.

Notes: no data lake, very sad. Data is going to go straight into your warehouse without the opportunity to be transformed in a
more cost-effective environment.

Pros: easy to set-up

Cons: not great for flexibility and very expensive!

Bonus: use bigquery pub/sub to save on CDC / real-time event streaming costs

Data transformation

You have simple data use-cases like self-serve BI. The primary things you are interested in is assessing product usage by customer or by some other attribute. You need a data warehouse and a transformation tool

Solutions: typically this is dbt Cloud + a data warehouse (Snowflake, BQ, Firebolt, Azure Synapse etc). Other alternative transformation tools
could be BQ’s transform or Coalesce. Matillion is also an older example, not very popular. There are newer ones like SQL Mesh too.

Notes: SQL transformations are about as expensive as it gets here. Storage cost is relatively low. Depending on the warehouse you use, and the contract you sign, querying costs can vary massively.

Cost: If you are ingesting $50k’s worth of data in part 1, I guess expect to pay $30k–$50k on something like Snowflake.

Pros: easy to set-up

Cons: expensive

Bonus: deploy dbt yourself so it runs on pull requests completing and otherwise on a schedule using github actions / jenkins / something better
Bonus: write incremental SQL models from day 1 to save cost
Bonus: use effective partitioning in BigQuery to speed up query times
Bonus: get Snowflake to give you a discount as Databricks are currently massively undercutting them

Business Intelligence (“BI”)

You have a simple use-case like wanting to surface basic product usage data in dashboards, and maybe give non-technical folk the ability
to query data. Probably, there are product managers who want to view usage at a granular level, and commercial folk who want to
see pipeline sales stats enriched with product usage information

Solutions: loads! High cost: Looker, Tableau. Medium cost: metabase, Hex, Astrato. Free: metabase (self-hosted) Lightdash

Notes: you can end up managing a lot of infrastructure here too depending on how effective you want your BI tool to be. For example, if you didn’t
define a semantic layer in (2), you may now need to do that. If you are going for free, you may need to self-host your BI tool.

Finally, if you’re a large company buying lots of licenses, there are some nice cross-platform perks (for example getting Google discounts by buying multiple products), but otherwise it’s going to be very expensive.

Pros: dashboarding is fun and self-serve data is great, as long as the “target market” (i.e. other employees) are ready or already know how to use BI.

Cons: difficult to truly correlate with business value

Cost: for the big names, expect to pay $20-$40 per license per month.

Bonus: consider if you truly even need self-serve analytics. If the set of people who need data is quite small, it may be more economical, and efficient, to make very small concentrated datasets and dashboards that few people are able to use really really well

Bonus: if you work in a purely software focussed company and everyone is very technical, invest time building a nice semantic layer
and watching your self-serve analytics fly

Let’s spend more money: you can also invest in an additional BI Tool like Thoughtspot or a BI AI like Hi Rupert for another $20k a year
so sales people can ask questions to your database in natural language!

Other cool stuff like rETL, Data Science, Automated alerting and workflows

This is where the real magic happens. Getting data in the hands of sales people in their own CRM via reverse ELT is cool. Running data science
projects over time on product data to see what features effect what behaviours is cool. Gathering activity metrics for users on a website
to construct a marketing score which gets deployed in a model is cool. Working with stakeholders to set up data-driven workflow triggers
(e.g. this person just did this thing, you should reach out to them about renewing their contract) is super cool! But how can we do this?

Solutions (rELT): Census and Hightouch

Cost: $10k upwards. Free plans available too for small volumes.

Pros: they work

Cons: didn’t we buy something like this in part 1?

Bonus: Just run an app service of function app and build it yourself!

Solutions (data science): Databricks, self-hosted, a big data science platform like Dataiku

Cost: big data science platforms are $15k+. Databricks can be pretty cheap depending on how much load you use. For a few ad-hoc daily projects,
the cost would be negligible, as it’s usage-based.

Pros: you can do cool stuff in a nice UI

Cons: it isn’t super code-first to someone with a true engineering mindset, and can be pretty expensive

Bonus: use a model registry package like MLFlow to store and version models

Bonus: automatically trigger workflows from your cloud provider’s data science suite (e.g. Databricks is available via Azure, AWS have Sagemaker etc.)


Orchestration! How could we forget! Oft-overlooked, arguably the backbone of the data stack. What options are available? Well, given this is the modern data stack, we need something that interfaces with everything. An all in one platform will not cut it!

Solutions: Airflow, Prefect, Dagster (self hosted), what’s on the left but paid hosted, or (in the future) something (full disclosure) I am building which is a cloud-based Orchestrator.

Cost: free if self-hosted minus cloud cost. Otherwise, free plans for all the above. Enterprise starts at $20k. Astronomer starts at $50k, so you better have a $500k+ data budget lol.

Pros: code-first really does let you orchestrate absolutely anything

Cons: takes ages to setup and maintain once you have lots of dags (say 50+). You won’t have this problem with a cloud-based orchestrator hopefully!

Bonus: build observability into your dags; have a dag that sends metadata somwhere so you don’t need an observability tool

Bonus: don’t do any orchestration but have rigid alerts and process that mean you can just run everything on a schedule because you’re insane


As data engineers it’s helpful to have a single workflow or pane of glass to do our jobs. Personally, I like to divide work into two categories:
proactive and reactive. Proactive work is stuff like developing and pushing code, or scoping a project with a stakeholder. Reactive work is something like responding to an alert of a request.

Generally, I like to keep the environment I do this work as homogenous as possible. For proactive work, this essentially just means using an IDE I like and following a process to push code and scope projects. For reactive work, it’s actually quite difficult to get homogeneity because of the different ways alerts can come in (and where they lead; see below).

Imagine every piece of modern data stack gives you an alert like this — that’s not helpful really

As most engineers use slack, the only way I know to do this is to ingest your own metadata and build alerts ontop of that, which are in a homogenous form and go to slack. Perhaps they direct you to a metadata dashboard you can use to debug failures.

Solutions: build your own, use in-built alerting mechanisms, use an observability tool (as they gather your metadata and you can alert on this)

Pros: you can debug stuff significantly quicker

Cons: takes ages and is expensive

Bonus: ingest your dbt artifacts, put them into snowflake and alert on that table. Well done, you just built an observability tool!

Bonus: use open-source grafana. I recently spoke to a gaming company with 1000’s of employees and they utilise Grafana’s free product

Cost: observability tools start at $20k, everything else is more of a human cost??

Other stuff you probably don’t need but costs lots of money

  • Data catalogues; I have no idea how much Collibra costs but I imagine, a lot as all their clients are big enterprises
  • Data lineage tools: always thought of this as a feature, but some of these start at $10k a year which is just insane.
  • Data observability tools: mentioned here because they do lots of other cool stuff aside from just alerting and data lineage, like allowing people to specify tests and integrating with github. Start at about $20k
  • Data AI assistants: included in here because I am sure there will be a slew of companies claiming to eliminate time spent running SQL queries with AI; I’ll wait
  • Collaborative workspaces; essentially ways to make writing SQL collaboratively easier. In my experience, people want to work more like devs, so not sure who the target market is here or the cost.


Looks like if you buy the whole modern data stack then in the examples above, you could easily spend $150k+ on your data tooling. If you’re not writing incremental SQL / ingesting loads of data you don’t need / have a big org you could spend $300k feasibly. Caveat here that a lot of this depends. In my previous job at a Series C Fintech in London that had about 300 people, we could easily have spent $150k on modern data stack, but cut out alot of this by building a lot of stuff ourselves and leveraging cheaper tools from the cloud provider we were using, as well as by being ruthlessly focussed on business value (towards the end, we didn’t ingest or transform anything people weren’t using. We run jobs at the minimum frequency to eliminate unnecessary compute).

All in all, the Modern Data Stack feels quite expensive. I do think it’s somewhat inevitable — being able to buy connectors from Fivetran is just the right way to do it, but relying on Fivetran to do all your ingestion is an expensive decision. This is all the more meaningful if you take that approach to every tool. I guess another sensible position would be to push back on simply purchasing every tool — some of these are use-case specific rather than necessary additions (e.g. people use Hightouch specifically to build CDPs — lot’s of people don’t need this).

The fundamental principle of “do what’s right for your organisation” is still the best thing to take away from this! 100% Modern Data Stack may be for you — but it probably isn’t.



Hugo Lu

I write on Data engineering and the coolest data stuff. CEO@ Orchestra, the best-in-class unified control plane for dataops.