Answers to the community concerns

Published in
3 min readFeb 17, 2018

When the registration of the Seele whitelist started, there was enormous amount of visits, which caused significant congestion. There were some people spamming in the community and trying to impersonate Seele members. In order to protect the community, the Seele team decided to halt the registration.

Many questions from our investors were raised since then. The Seele team is now providing a point-to-point answers to the most frequently asked questions below:


What happened during the opening of the whitelist registration and what had the Seele team done in response?


Since the opening of the whitelist registration, there had been enormous amount of visits attempting to participate in the whitelist registration. Part of the registration was designed using Google form/doc. Unfortunately, The access seemed to be blocked due to the high volume of traffic. Meanwhile, we noticed that there were some people spamming in the community, spreading rumors and inappropriate pictures. There were also people trying to impersonate the Seele members. In order to protect the community, we had to immediately halt the registration. We also updated pined announcement in the official telegram group and twitter. Dr. Wei Bi, the chief scientist of the Seele team also made a video to clarify what had happened.

The Seele team is now working on the whitelist registration and we will reopen the whitelist registration soon. Please be aware that we will make announcement about the time for the whitelist registration at least 24 hours in advance on our official channels. Please check our official website and official telegram group for more information.


Why did Seele choose Google Forms/Docs for whitelist registration?


When we designed the whitelist, we chose Google Forms because it had been previously used as information collection tool in other ICO projects. We were also hoping that it would help to provide good user experience for our investors during the process. However, due to the significant number of access, there was an extremely high volume of traffic in a very short period. It might caused the provider to restrict access to the form. As a result, people couldn’t open the form and participate in the registration. The Seele team apologizes for any inconvenience caused. We will use other methods to avoid similar problems.


Why were there so many spam messages in the official telegram group since that time?


In order to provide a safe environment for everyone during the whitelist registration opening, a bot was used to mute the telegram group. But because there were too many messages sent in a very short period, the bot was overloaded. In addition, we found that there were many abnormal messages/requests that had been sent to the bot. Some people had started spreading rumors and deliberately spamming in our official telegram group, and we doubted that it was an organized action which has been planned. In order to protect the commnuty, our admins had to delete spam messages and ban the malicious accounts who repeated sent inappropriate pictures. But as a result, some questions that were from our investors might have also been deleted in the same time.

For now, our bot has been fixed and works normally. Anyone who could give us any clues to this accident will be very welcomed. Please contact us or the admins in our telegram group.


Why my telegram account had been blocked?


Because our bot had been attacked and overloaded, lots of spam messages had been sent into our telegram group. In order to provide a safe environment, our admins had to delete the spam messages manually. We were only meant to delete the spam messages and block the malicious accounts. If your account had been blocked, please send us a private message, we will investigate and try to bring you back to our telegram group.


Why was there an official twitter message that included the link to form of whitelist registration a few minutes earlier than planned.


Before the whitelist registration opened, we found that there were some fake websites and messages with fraudulent links included. In order to inform the right registration link to our investors, we made announcement that includes the correct link a few minutes earlier than planned. The aim was to clarify the right link, and the form was disabled at that time. The form was only made available at 16:00 (GMT+0) as we planned.




Blockchain 4.0 - Seele is a blockchain ecosystem project developing a multi-chain heterogeneous forest network. Check out our official website at