Lost in “Call of Duty”, We’ve Forgotten Our Actual Duties

The longer you evade reality, the worse it gets

Neeramitra Reddy
Published in
4 min readOct 26, 2022


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Hollering “Sexy kill-streak, bro!”, I slap my thigh in delight.

With smelly boxers, deep eye bags, and dorm roaches for company, we’d get lost in throwing imaginary frags at virtual enemies.

Days and nights melted into this migraine-triggering obsession.

“Video games are a waste of time for men with nothing else to do.”

Ray Bradbury

Parched throats. Blood-shot eyes. 4 AM bedtimes. Crusty cum socks. Throbbing skulls. Attendance shortages. Heavy eye bags. Subaverage college grades.

In this sea of degeneracy, religiously lifting weights was my only productive habit.

I’ve since gone cold turkey on gaming — but this deadly obsession continues to f*ck up the lives of millions globally.

Cheap Dopamine Is Killing Your Real-Life Motivation

To coax us lazy humans to work, mother evolution invented dopamine — a “feel-good” hormone to reward effort.

Arms training at the barracks? Chopping a redwood tree for fresh timber? Hammering away…



Neeramitra Reddy

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