The Briefest “How to Be Ultra-Productive” Article You’ll Likely Ever Read

Distilling years of personal experience and research into 2 minutes

Neeramitra Reddy
Peak Productivity
Published in
2 min readJan 28, 2022


Young man in a green long-sleeve shirt looking at his laptop
Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko from Pexels

I won’t waste your time with an introduction. Let’s dive straight in:

  • Turn Off All Notifications. Once interrupted, it takes 23 minutes to regain peak focus. With the average person checking their phone a whopping 160 times a day, you can imagine the insane damage.
  • Every Night, Plan 3 Tasks for The Next Day. While you’d be over-committing with over 3, you’d be cutting yourself short with anything lesser. Then, as you sleep, your subconscious will kick into action and flesh the tasks out.
  • Alternate Bursts of Deep Work with Leisure. While hyper-focused work can help you achieve tons, it saps your mental energy. Wield leisure activities like meditation, reading, and walking to restore your mental batteries.
  • Sleep at Least 8 Hours Every Night. Forget productivity, sleep deprivation casts a dark shroud on the quality of your life itself. 3 hours of work with good sleep beats 6 on insufficient sleep.
  • Manage Energy, Not Time. Time tables are recipes for burnout. Let your energy levels dictate which tasks you pick — deep ones like writing or coding when bustling with energy and shallow ones…

