Pay Attention to What Matters or Pay the Price

Did you pay the piper?

Thomas E. McDaniels


Photo by Jonathan Francisca on Unsplash

Remember the old fairy tale about the Pied Piper who charmed away all the rats in town? When the faithless burghers refused to pay him what they had promised, he exacted his revenge by leading all the town’s children away as well.

The moral of the story is; you’d better pay up, or you’ll pay another way. How true is that? Let’s see.

It is the law of sowing and reaping and the law transcends in a variety of ways.

Sow to reap, and fail to sow and fail to reap

If we fail to pay attention, we will pay the cost.

This includes everything from our health to family, faith, and finances. Sowing, reaping, and regress are not a respecter of persons, and it is a law of life for Christians, Non-Christians, and everyone else.

Sowing is equal to growing

Growth is a natural progression of life. Everything alive is growing. God has given us life, and every day we have the opportunity to grow — physically, intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually.

As believers, we see the need for personal spiritual growth. We tend to judge the level of our spiritual growth by our shortcomings and failures. A…

