How to Find Happiness in a Garden Without Gardening

How to combine them both.

Lee-Anne Hancock


I think that a lot of people started gardening this year because they had the time and could achieve something.

I love gardens but to be honest, I hate gardening. I know, I know. A lot of people say they can’t wait to get home and get their hands into that soil. They say it is so soothing and therapeutic.

I don’t feel that way. For me, it is just one more thing to do on my to-do list and I usually have to do it in the sun. Ugh!

I do get that same feeling they do by walking and sitting in a garden. The problem is, of course, that I don’t have my own personal gardener.

I love to read about gardening, listen to radio shows on gardening, and of course, watch gardening shows on TV.

My favorite gardening show is with Monty Don showing gardens around the world on Netflix. I am overwhelmed with the beauty. He combines history with his gardens. He doesn’t just show gardens with typical flowers, as a matter of fact, they are rarely like that, but the beauty …

One show from his French Garden series included information about life while trying to garden in the 1600s. Louis XIV had his finance minister thrown in prison because the minister had a nicer garden than he did. I…



Lee-Anne Hancock

Retired Poison Control Specialist. Now writing murder mysteries and blogging about life, family, and the fun of retirement.