Resolutions for 2023.

Hi friends,

I was nominated by Noelle Blanchett to do one of these. Before I begin let me nominate 5 people as well; Ari Love Kimmy Foulds James Bellerjeau Akemi Sagawa Grace Bianco

So shall we now….

Staying dedicated to Medium.

I want to keep growing on this platform in 2023 and want to create more good posts and make new great connections, as well as continuing with older ones.

Becoming better each day.

I want to bring more focus to each day and staying in the moment and working on being better and being in the present.

Staying focused on God and family.

I want to make sure those two aspects are always on top of my list, no matter what is going on.

Learn more patience.

It’s a constant battle, hope I can succeed!

That’s it!

Thank you!


