This is what the grass on the field of Dodgers Stadium feels like.

Notes from today’s post-game screening of “The Sandlot.”

Liz Shannon Miller


The grass on the field of Dodgers Stadium is much softer than you might think.

At first, the grass on the field of Dodgers Stadium is so short, so precision-cut that at first you think it might be the fake kind, a illusion of grass requiring no water and little soul. A cheat.

But then, as you drag your fingers through it, you spot tiny imperfections, bits of brown that have yet to be weeded out. Those faint few glimpses of dryness, death as a confirmation of life, make the grass on the field of Dodgers Stadium a beautiful thing.

The grass on the field of Dodgers Stadium initially prickles under your palm, each sharp little blade demanding attention. Like daring to touch a bed of needles, or the stab of static electricity.

But then you relax into it, and the thickness of the lawn becomes a cushion, a living thing, craving your touch.

So you drag your hands across the grass on the field of Dodgers Stadium, and as the twenty-year-old movie plays, you think about the players who have crouched over this particular patch of center left. Diving to catch the ball. Caught by the same perfect carpet beneath you at this moment.

The Dodgers are not necessarily your team. You may be lying on the field of Dodgers Stadium this hot Sunday afternoon because baseball is fun to watch, and you remember “The Sandlot” fondly despite the years, and the breezes coming off the Santa Ana mountains prove to be almost as refreshing as the company of friends.

It is a perfect summer afternoon, and the home team wins, and then you find a patch of grass on the field of Dodgers Stadium, your belly full of salty and sweet, and stretch like a cat across it.

You sink into the grass on the field of Dodgers Stadium, and don’t think about much of anything at all.

Liz Shannon Miller writes for the screen and the web, tells her friend Frank about stuff at Liz Tells Frank, covers digital content for GigaOM and TheVideoInk, and is a casual but life-long Giants fan.



Liz Shannon Miller

Writer. I like space battles, videos of cats, old-school funk, paid work, and the Oxford comma.