Ternio Token Sale Guide


Ternio will begin the public token sale on June 1st at UTC 00:00 (8pm EST May 31st). The information below outlines the process of participating in the token sale and answers to the most common questions.


How To Purchase
The Ternio token sale is designed for quick and easy “checkout”. There is no signup process and no waiting to redeem your tokens. Once you choose the amount of TEN, payment method of choice, and facilitate payment — you will immediately receive your TERN tokens in the wallet auto generated for you. Quick, simple, and easy checkout!

You are able to purchase TERN tokens using BTC, ETH, XLM, or Wire Transfer. Ternio will auto-generate an XLM-based wallet for you. BTC/ETH transactions are almost instant whereas XLM transactions can take 24 hours. Due to the lockup period you will not be able to trade, exchange, or move the tokens until the lockup period is over.

Accepted payment options: BTC, ETH, XLM, Wire Transfer

Token Price: $0.10 USD per TERN. There are no bonuses.

Lockup Period: 14 days from the date of purchase.

KYC: Only required for purchases of $10,000 USD or more.

Who can purchase? Anyone outside of the United States is allowed to participate in the token sale. United States citizens who wish to purchase will be required to either trade with others or purchase through an exchange.

Token Wallets: All wallets are auto generated for you at the time of purchase if you are making payment via BTC, ETH, or FIAT. It is important to know that you MUST save your wallet information in a safe location. We do not save any information on auto generated wallets so please read directions carefully. Ternio is not responsible for any lost wallet keys.

XLM Wallets: If you are purchasing using XLM you will be instructed that the wallet you pay us with will be the wallet your TERN tokens will be sent to. Unlike BTC or ETH, XLM payments may take up to 24 hours to receive.

Receiving Tokens: You will receive your TERN tokens into the token wallet auto-generated for you immediately upon payment confirmation by our system.

Confirming Your Purchase: To confirm your purchase you can go to https://stellarchain.io/. From there, input the wallet public key that was auto-generated for you into the search bar. Stellarchain will pull your wallet information and display it to you on screen. Using Stellarchain, TERN tokens will not display in your “Crypto Balance” section, but underneath in the “Assets” area. Within the “Assets” area you will be able to view your TERN token balance.

Purchasing Guide:

To begin your purchase, select a predefined amount by clicking “Buy Now” or use the slider to purchase a custom amount of your choice.

After your amount selection you will be required to select which currency you would like to purchase TERN tokens with. BTC, ETH, XLM, and Wire Transfer are accepted. XLM and Wire Transfer may take up to 24 hours upon receipt to receive them.

Immediately after you have selected your payment option you will be presented with your TERN wallet that TERN tokens will be placed into. It is critical that you save this wallet information somewhere safe. You will not have a chance to recover this information once you leave this screen. Ternio does not save this information and will not be held responsible for any lost wallet keys.

After you have successfully saved the wallet information select the “I confirm” checkbox and then the “Confirm & Continue” button.

Upon confirming you have saved your wallet information you will then be presented a screen with the wallet in which you will be required to pay to.

After paying to this wallet address our system will continually check for the transaction. As the transaction is processed you will see the gray action messages change to green. Your purchase is finally complete when the action message “Congrats! TERN purchased” is highlighted green.

You may also watch the how to video on Youtube for the step-by-step process: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9oIq--LzFY




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