Happy Hack #9: Three Paths to Kindness

Acts of kindness can change a person’s life.

Debbie Walker


I believe deep down inside, we all desire to give and receive a little kindness. I know I do.

It’s a simple fact. The sooner you accept and practice being kind, the happier you will be.

But how do I be kind? What are some examples?

I know of three paths we can walk or drive to find kindness — the Bible, practice, and random acts. Let’s try one, then move over into lanes of the others.

1. The Bible

There are many examples of kindness in the Bible. But first I want to know the definition of kindness. In the Old Testament, kindness is chesed (Hebrew) which means lovingkindness.

For instance, God showed kindness to people exiting Egypt.

You, in your loving kindness, have led the people that you have redeemed. You have guided them in your strength to your holy habitation. — Exodus 15:13

Solomon wrote in his book of wisdom sayings in Proverbs 31:26, that kindness can be on our tongue. I believe that means we can teach and speak words of kindness.

In the New Testament, Jesus told the story of a wounded traveler. People passed by, looking the other way. The Good Samaritan, a…



Debbie Walker

Debbie Walker is the creator of Middle-Pause, STOMP!, & published a 3-book anthology. Top Writer Food & Diversity. Follow her at https://linktr.ee/Debbie_Walker