Less Is More: How To Strengthen Your Life By Embracing Your Softer Side

Emily Madill
Thrive Global
Published in
6 min readOct 17, 2016


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There is a popular belief out in the world that the louder we are, the more noticeable and important we become. I believe the opposite is true. The more we embrace our softer side, the easier it becomes to connect with who we are and express ourselves from an authentic place. Showing up in the world as your true self is a noteworthy act that will be noticed in a different way.

When we step outside of the incessant need to be heard, the voices urging us to be bolder, brighter and better begin to fade. Instead those voices are replaced with a quieter knowing and contentedness in being in touch with who we are at our core.

I have come to notice that it is within quiet gentle space where love resides, where peace can be accessed and where next steps to living a purposeful life are often revealed. Inside the quiet brilliance is where you connect to yourself — your true self.

Image courtesy of Pixabay

It becomes more natural to turn inward for validation when we adopt a softer approach of expressing the essence of who we are, or the work we are here to do. This internal place allows us to honor ourselves whenever we feel the need, it…



Emily Madill
Thrive Global

Author & ICF Certified Coach (ACC)• BA in Business & Psychology.• Thrive Global editor-at-large•Author of 11 books•Coach at BetterUp•WWW.WEEKLYHAPPINESSNOTE.COM