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The “Empower-Sub” Strategy that Turns Rich People into Super-Rich
7 interesting tips from super-rich people who follow this strategy

Regular people think of how to get a YES, but super-rich people think of how to eliminate NO from the options. If NO is eliminated, then YES is the only other option. Success in the world of the rich is not just about optimism and desire. They back their desire up with several advantages and leave no room for anything short of what they want.
This is why they get richer and more successful. This is how rich people turn super-rich. They just don’t aim for success, they paralyze any chance of failure. Here are some of the ways they do that (which anyone can apply):
1. They make sure their subordinates dress well
A rich man once said that your prosperity as a person is not seen on you. Rather, your prosperity is seen on those who work for you. Some wealthy people treat their workers less than animals, but their wealthy status does not last long. That approach is not sustainable.
Most billionaires don’t care about their appearance (because they don’t need to impress anybody). However, they care about the appearance of their subordinates. The people who work for them in significant capacities must…