Stop Fighting The Reason CSS Exists With These Dumbass “Frameworks”

Jason Knight
Published in
18 min readOct 19, 2021


Warning, this article is both meant to be educational, and to vent. It may repeat things I have said in previous articles, and I’m going to keep repeating it unto you folks get it. You have a problem with repetition or “harsh language”, please just GTFO now. You’re beyond reach, and I’m far past wasting my time trying to be “civil” about how utterly stupid you are if you think these “frameworks” have ANY merit!

Looking at how HTML / CSS Frameworks “work”

For quite some time I’ve written about how HTML/CSS frameworks are monuments to those pesky 3i of web development: ignorance, incompetence and ineptitude. Still the fanboys of these middle fingers to usability, accessibility, and efficiency blindly parrot the propaganda, and unfounded gibberish claims of why they “need” these frameworks.

Worse, the very nature by which they work is the bleeding edge of 1990’s methodology, but every last know-nothing who defends these shit-shows claim I’m the one stuck in the past. I just had an employee at a client’s say that to me and I look him over, and shot back:

What the hell do you know about the 1990’s, I’d be shocked if you weren’t still suckling from your mothers teat in ‘95!



Jason Knight

Accessibility and Efficiency Consultant, Web Developer, Musician, and just general pain in the arse