Why you should start blogging

Riccardo Menoli
2 min readDec 29, 2022


The last days of the year are a great moment to reflect on the previous year and intentionally plan for the next. One of my most important new year resolutions is to start blogging, I committed to writing at leat 6 blogposts this year. Here you will see why I decided to start blogging and the benefit that this activity can bring into your life.

Improving communication

Effective communication is an important skill in many aspects of life, and being a good communicator can have numerous benefits, both professionally and personally. It helps you to build and to keep relationships, to resolve conflicts, and increase productivity.

Being a good communicator means being able to express clearly and concisely the concept you have in your mind. To do so you need two tools: a good vocabulary and a good way to assemble sentences.

Writing helps you with both. As you write more and more posts, you’ll also learn to express yourself more clearly and concisely. Moreover, it forces you to move words from your passive vocabulary (set words that a person knows but does not actively use) to your active vocabulary.

Makes your mind clear

We live in the information age. We are exposed on a daily bases to gigabytes of different information. Our brain is not designed to accurately store and process all of them. The result is that we tend to forget insightful concepts we got in contact with during the day.
How many times have you read a nice idea from a book but a week later you have already forgotten it?

Re-elaborate is the most powerful tool in the learning and retention process. It can help you to increase your understanding, apply your knowledge, and identify gaps in your understanding.

Writing forces you to re-elaborate a concept in your brain, helping you to clarify and retain them in your memory.

Makes a difference

Blogging gives you the opportunity to make a difference in the world. Whether you’re writing about social justice issues, environmental concerns, or personal development. Your words can inspire others to take action and make a positive impact.


Blogging trains you to be a better communicator. Moreover, it helps you to clarify and retain important information. In addition to this, it gives you the opportunity to make a positive impact.

I hope you liked this blog post, see you in the next one.



Riccardo Menoli

Italian data scientist living abroad. I'm fond of self-development, nature, and art. I value honesty, enthusiasm, and human connection.