MQ in Docker, removing the tie to the QMGR Process — Docker Staying Alive

Chris Phillips
2 min readJul 17, 2017

So recently Aiden Gallagher (Another IBM Intergration SME) and I were trying to do API Connect in BM integration with an MQ Docker instance also running in BM, with SSL.

I am by no means an MQ expert and we found that when ever we restarted the MQ QMGR it would kill the docker container. This was because the container was written in such a way that when the QMGR process ends the container shuts down.

Now there are a number of good reasons for this however it is infuritating at times!

So I forked the IBM MQ Docker and made some minor changes. You can see my fork here.

The key things I changed.

  1. I added a keep alive function. This is runs that monitors the QM t then runs a while 1 loop to ensure the process does not end.
while true; do
echo "sleeping for 100000s"
sleep 100000

2. I modified to remove the checks to wait for the process to end. I.e. I commented line 38 onwards out.

3. I modified the DockerFile to run not i.e. i changed the last line to the following


4. (Optional) I created a that would clean up, build, start and tail the logs of a container.

docker rm -f $(docker ps -qa)
docker build -t cminion/mq .
docker run \
--env LICENSE=accept \
--env MQ_QMGR_NAME=QM1 \
--publish 1414:1414 \
--publish 9443:9443 \
--detach \
--name mq cminion/mq
docker logs -f mq

Thats it! Now just to work out how to enable SSL!



Chris Phillips

Pink Teddy gets sent to help his owner's Daddy. All opinions are of Chris Phillips, IBM Master Inventor, API SME, Governance SME for IBM Cloud Services