Chaos Was My Key to a More Productive Creative Life

Not embracing chaos is actually a recipe for failure (or worse)

Circé Creates
Mind Cafe


Photo by Mark Higham @theartshot360 on Unsplash

I’m a super organised person.

Not like ‘sick’ level organised, but I have systems.

It allows me to run three online businesses and still have time to binge watch bad American TV.

And, it’s going to sound contradictory. But I achieved this level of productivity when I started to embrace chaos.

Not embracing chaos is actually a recipe for failure (or worse)

When you don’t embrace chaos, you drown.

You drown under the weight of your expectations of perfection. You end up as a rigid little dictator, frustrated at your inability to succeed.

It might sound harsh, but I know this is true because that was me.

I was desperately trying to make everything perfect by controlling every aspect of my life. And it was a ROYAL disaster.

My bank account was itching closer and closer to zero, my boyfriend didn’t even have the decency to dump me in style, and I found myself crying about it all between the chocolate and the potato chip aisle of my local low-cost supermarket.



Circé Creates
Mind Cafe

On a mission to living a fulfilling creative life.