TomoChain — NOIA Network partnership announcement

Welcome NOIA to join forces!

TomoChain Publisher
2 min readJun 4, 2019


We would like to introduce our latest partnership with NOIA Network, a widely distributed and decentralized layer of the internet’s infrastructure.

NOIA Network utilizes Segment Routing, IPv6 and Distributed Ledger technologies to create a global Software Defined Network (SDN) on the public Internet. NOIA’s Programmable Internet allows ISPs, Data Centres and individual infrastructure providers connect to Distributed Ledger and sell their infrastructure as internet transit. Segment Routing allows programming of data sent over the internet to use predefined routes, solving internet reliability, scalability and BGP security issues. This can be done through NOIA Platform which is World’s First Programmable Internet Backbone As a Service.

Through this strategic partnership, NOIA network will explore the possibility of developing its services on TomoChain’s secure, low latency, and near-zero fee transactional system with data store ledger functionality for internet topology. More specifically, NOIA network will consider issuing NOIA tokens on TomoChain following TRC20–21 standard, and develop the smart contract to allow suppliers to P2P sell and buy Internet access points by using NOIA tokens to facilitate transactions. Besides, NOIA is looking at TomoX — TomoChain’s decentralized exchange protocol as an innovative protocol to design NOIA’s Decentralized Internet Transit Exchange later on. We also work together on promoting and marketing each other to maximize our influence where we are present.

Long Vuong, CEO of TomoChain shared:

“I am excited to partner with NOIA to explore the cutting edge technologies to build the infrastructure for the decentralized Web. Reinventing the Internet is certainly not an unambitious task, and I hope TomoChain’s decentralized ledger technologies can, in part, help the talented NOIA’s team to achieve their goals a bit faster. We are also grateful to be able to learn from our collaboration.”

Domas Povilauskas, CEO of NOIA Network said:

“Partnering with TomoChain is a remarkable opportunity to examine the circumstances of our services using TomoChain’s blockchain. It’s an important partnership for us as it will help us build an innovative and reliable NOIA’s Decentralized Internet Transit Exchange”.

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