This habit helped me produce more original content while keeping me from burning out

Alex Mathers
Better Habits


Many creative people struggle because they don’t innovate and don’t know how to keep things fresh.

This leads to work that is ignored and burnout in the creator.

As a writer, I’ve had many moments where I felt like I was coming up against a blockade. I’d lost my spark.

Things began to gel only when I started thinking innovatively, and I’d find myself motivated again.

You can busy yourself putting things out all day long and not get very far because your stuff is like every other Tom, Dick and Nathan’s.

You will soon be exhausted because you aren’t making the progress that comes with continual innovation. You must continually invent new things to stay inspired and stand out.

This comes out of bringing seemingly disparate things together in inventive combinations.

Edward De Bono, the creativity guru, spoke about the value of making word associations to be more creative. The guy was onto something.

How about these:

  • Squirrels and church steeple
  • Mugs and death
  • Mineral water and leaves



Alex Mathers
Better Habits

Helping you develop a consistent writing habit with impact. Regular tips: