You Shrink Your Big Juicy Brain Rapidly With These 11 Senseless Everyday Habits

These not-so-bad habits sneakily attack your brain every day.

Khyati Jain
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


An image of a brain in a bulb.
Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay

Your daily habits are wrecking your brain health. You’re unknowingly harming your brain a tiny bit every day.

These habits are nothing compared to worse health habits like smoking, drinking, or overeating.

But their accumulating effects, in the long run, will wreck your brain health by shrinking the size of your big juicy brain.

So, they might not be the worse but they are bad enough for you. Try to eradicate as many of these as you can from your daily routine.

1. Always choose logic over religion

Both religious fanatics and skeptics have one thing in common — Trust Issues.

Skeptics don’t believe anything whereas fanatics believe every damn word. This study found that extreme religious afflictions can harm your brain.

So, either follow your religion to a reasonable limit or give it up completely. Questioning everything is just as illogical as following every word.

So, be a believer but heed your logical reasoning or be a skeptic with caution.



Khyati Jain
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

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