Four Easy Strategies to Make Long-Term Weight Management a Reality

6k+ people share their top weight management secrets.

Khyati Jain
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Gustavo Fring

Weight loss is hard but weight management is even harder. The pressure to keep the weight off is intense, and only 1 American out of 5 can live up to it.

Weight management is a big challenge as it demands a lifestyle change. You can’t expect to go back to your old ways after losing weight.

You need to upgrade your lifestyle if you want to maintain the weight loss in long term. Permanent changes in your diet are a necessity.

This study asked 6000 weight maintainers, who lost more than 50 pounds for their secret to long-term weight loss.

Here are their top four tips for long-term weight management.

1. Setbacks are the stepping stone

Like every other journey, failure is also a part of weight loss. It’s not a smooth slope but a trek full of boulders.

You lose a lot of weight but then you gain some back, and then you work hard to lose it again. It’s a never-ending journey.

You can’t control your weight fluctuations. There are many factors that are totally out of your control.



Khyati Jain
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

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