Is THC Bad for Cannabis?

THC Chasing is Killing Honest Growers, Labs, and Retailers


Provocative, click-baity title, I know, but cannabis lovers — I need your attention because we need to talk about something serious. We aren’t doing right by this plant that gives so much. Chasing the highest THC (‘THC Chasing’) when purchasing at dispensaries has the potential to kill this industry by eliminating the honest growers, labs, and retailers. The obsessive, misguided focus on THC is working against everyone touched by the cannabis industry.

Cannabis education has never been more important than NOW. We need to teach people about all of the cannabinoids, terpenes, VSC’s, and everything that goes into experiencing cannabis to stop the madness.

When reported spikes in THC values in the Oregon marketplace came to my attention, I started asking friends and clients within the industry for their thoughts. One thing is for certain — this is a massive elephant in the room, because as soon as I started talking about lab values with the budtenders at my local dispensary, they literally named a lab that they had been seeing high values from. Anecdotes started coming to me about farmers shopping their cannabis in order to find favorable lab results.

There’s a few things that could be contributing to a spike, and they range from awesome to nefarious:

54 Green Acres Farm. Image source: Author.

