Published in
3 min readFeb 4, 2019

Life, as our parents knew it, is changing. With new technologies helping us on every step, we can connect to people all around the world with a click of a mouse; we can make a video call to Antarctica or book hotels and rooms in advance, check the weather — it has limitless potential. 3.4 billion people worldwide owned a smartphone by 2017. Can you imagine to live without one?

Mobile Health market

Mobile technology made its path into the healthcare industry as well. Patients and providers search for health information online by using social media as a platform to exchange experiences, connecting via apps or internet connections.

Half of the mobile users now actively use technology/apps to manage their health and wellbeing on a daily basis, identifying treatment options or to help diagnose illnesses.

Mobile Health market value:

  • was $2.4 billion in 2013
  • and is forecast to reach $21,5 billion by 2018,
  • a compound annual growth rate of 54.9 %.
  • By 2018 Europe will be the largest mHealth market,
  • worth $7.1 billion,
  • with the highest predicted growth per year at 61.6%.

There are approximately 97,000 mHealth apps on the market:

  • 70 % of them is focused on consumer wellness and fitness
  • 30 % of apps target health professionals, covering patient consultation, pharmaceutical information, etc.

One out of 5

The research conducted for the UK Digital Health Report that is based on 61 million Google searches and a survey of 1013 adults found out that one out of five people decides to diagnose themselves online with search engines when feeling unwell or experiencing any symptoms. 11 percent said that this was because they were unable to get a doctor’s appointment, while the other 10.8 percent said Google was the best option because their GP wasn’t available quickly enough.

With this data in mind, MedicoHealth team realized that the world needs a platform that will enable patients quicker access to qualified physicians with long-term expertize.

MedicoHealth built a comprehensive database of anonymous medical records, that is based on blockchain and enables quick, affordable and reliable consultation from a physician or specialist anywhere in the world to our users.

The patient-physician system will allow:

  • anonymous questions to physicians (fast physician comments),
  • telemedicine integration in-line with applicable local legislation,
  • booking physician appointments,
  • anonymous data storage and access approval,
  • a secure and anonymous payment module,
  • physician identity/license validity check.

Physician credentials, together with license validity information, will be updated in a decentralized database. Your medical data will be anonymously stored and accessed only by physicians; you will select and for a limited time. You will decide which physician can access your medical data, and to what extent.

This is the right time to offer patients worldwide a platform that will ensure them a reliable medical consultation instead of random results from internet searches.

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Medicohealth is a health portal with the objective to support patients in their search for the right doctor for their health concerns.