Innovation in Hotel Industry and plans for Innovasis Hotels — A summary of interview with Adam Schroder

Innovasis Hotels
Innovasis Hotels
Published in
3 min readAug 1, 2018

On the 26th of July we held a live video interview with our hotel expert, Adam Schroder — it was an great opportunity for Adam to answer some pressing questions about current problems in the hotel industry, talk about our plans and show his expertise as someone who has worked 23 years in the hospitality industry and has directly overseen the technology development of many projects in that field.

Adam explained how Innovasis Hotels is going to be innovative — first of all he quickly touched upon our holistic approach to data in hotel development. Often neglected in other hotels, we will store and process the data on the blockchain so we can use it effectively in all of our locations — some of the examples given were operational efficiency, improving the guest experience and resource management (like reducing water and energy waste).

When going into details about the biggest technology innovations coming to our project, Adam painted a picture of the classic Hotel Industry being very reluctant and slow to introduce new solutions because ‘clients are willing to pay anyways’. Innovasis Hotels will be designed and built from the ground-up with those solutions in mind, to set a new standard which people are willing to pay for.

Some of the mentioned examples of innovative solutions we are going to use were:

  • Adam’s original bathroom technology being built into the infrastructure design.
  • Modular construction allowing for dynamic room inventory management and thus very high efficiency (possibilities as amazing as moving 30 rooms from one location to a different one in 48 hours).
  • Framework designed around intelligent PMS (Property Management System).
  • Advanced Robotics being used safely and securely in different processes (waste management/recycling in eco-friendly processing centre on site, cleaning, laundry, smart concierge).
  • 80% less water usage (unnoticeable to the guests, not impacting the experience), achieved through brand new Water Endpoint Science process that studies the point of use of every drop of water and handles fresh water, water treatment, grey water, black water, energy production/storage and even waterless washing systems — in effect greatly reducing or in some cases even completely eliminating water use.
  • Use of renewable energy — focusing on improved and productive solar panels, solar-conductive paint and solar-lacing but also taking wind energy (due to strong Trade winds in Hawaii) or even geothermal energy from volcanoes into consideration.
  • Eco-friendly approach in construction thanks to modular containers architecture.
  • Using a closed set of customers data to protect their privacy but also use it effectively in our operations.
  • Smart-home concept applied to the Hotel and guest rooms — guests will be able to stay connected via their mobile app and use it in various ways.
  • And much more!

As you can see the live interview was very informative and factual but also amazingly interesting — just imagining the experience that will be made possible thanks to those technology solutions gets every person hearing about them excited! But what’s more important, as Adam pointed out, is that we will actually deliver it so that everyone can experience it themselves!

You can see the full interview on Facebook:

or on YouTube:

Interview with Adam Shroder hosted by David Kotrys

Look forward to our next live interviews and more updates from us at Innovasis Hotels!



Innovasis Hotels
Innovasis Hotels

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