Get Google Forms Survey Results In < 10 Lines Of Python Without An API

Ingest first-party data from Google Forms & avoid the complexity and frustration of Google’s multi-step authentication process.

Zach Quinn
Pipeline: Your Data Engineering Resource


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As data professionals the majority of pipelines that we build will involve third party data sources — millions of sessions collected by Google Analytics, housing data scraped from the web, payment data scraped from processing platforms — that we tend to forget about the data collection and aggregation power of the humble survey.

A.k.a. one of the simplest first party data sources.

While building cohorts and user profiles can help provide a picture of your audience as a whole, when it comes to soliciting feedback, nothing provides more honest, raw data than a customer survey.

With everyone from small businesses to your neighbor running a side hustle using surveys for some business purpose (though I’d really vet your hypothetical neighbors’ data privacy practices before trusting them with more than a lawn mower), one of the most dominant players in the survey purveying game is Google Forms.

If you’re in school, it’s likely your class surveys are in forms. If you’re a data engineer in client-facing companies…

