How Dealing With a Depressed Person Taught Me To Take Care of My Own Sanity

This experience taught me that we cannot save everyone, but that’s not our fault.

Desiree Peralta


Photo by Ellen Araujo

I met Jasmine through a mutual friend at a party when I was in my early 20s. We immediately clicked because we like romance books and the same music, so we decided to keep in touch.

At first, she seemed like the best friend anyone could want.

She was always smiling and willing to go out with me, even if it meant going to my room to scroll through TikTok and talk about the dramas of people we don’t know.

She loved to listen and always had something to say about any subject; it was like she knew about everything. We could talk about fashion or sports car racing, hairstyles, or anime; she was interested in anything I had to say.

However, a little after we started getting closer, her glow started to dim.

Her comments began to get sadder and sadder, sometimes laced with sarcasm and jokes to hide her true reality until she felt comfortable enough to say directly how bad she felt.

She constantly told me how ugly she believed she was and how she couldn’t change the way she felt for more than she worked hard on her appearance. She hated her…



Desiree Peralta

Turning ideas into reality. Programmer by profession, Writer by passion. Finance and business advice. | Weekly money advice