“STQ product”: Big Updates MVP Q2-Q3 2018

Published in
3 min readAug 16, 2018

Dear tokenholders!

On 31 May, 2018 we have launched beta.storiqa.com, where buyers will be able to enjoy a wide choice of different stuff from all over the world, discounts and special offers after the start of the platform. We develop our marketplace continuously adding more new functions and improving those which are already implemented. You are able to check now most of them if you explore beta.storiqa.com but still we decided to prepare this post for you to know about all existing updates immediately!

Q2-Q3 2018. Results

Payment with STQ

We have developed billing system, and now we are working on internal system testing. Right now we’re doing some final preparations before the upcoming updates that will include a feature for actually buying goods for cryptocurrencies.

Web-site mobile version

We have made an adaptation for our web-site for its proper displaying on iOS and Android mobile devices.

Shop page

Those sellers who registered on our platform are able to create their shops by clicking “Sell on Storiqa”. After filling all the data required sellers will be provided with the access to the page where they can edit all the information about their shops and goods display page will be available as well.

Backoffice both for sellers and buyers

By choosing “Orders” option, buyers will be able to track their orders status and check its main details. Sellers have not only Backoffice displaying current orders but warehouse accounting system as well.

Order processing

After going to cart folder a user can click “Checkout” button in order to go to an order processing: e.g., add the address or choose one of the saved if there is any.

Any of you can go to beta.storiqa.com right now and check out all of the updates. Our next step is the launch of a real shop with the possibility to process payments with STQ tokens.

Actually, everything is already prepared. Have you figured out what kind of shop it is? Just don’t tell anyone! You will be the first one making a step into brand new e-commerce sphere when you will buy real goods for cryptocurrency!




crowdsale.storiqa.com. We believe in the Blockchain. We are into e-commerce too. We are creating a project that integrates these two issues into one.