Daily Digest Digested in Digestible Details

Reuben Salsa
The Pub
Published in
4 min readSep 19, 2022


Every day I’m sent an email of highlighted stories from Medium. The odd one catches my eye making me twitch as I detonate the click-through button. It’s a great system and keeps me entertained.

But what if you combined all the clickbait, headline-catching titles together and made one bizarre story?

The following is based on my Medium Daily Digest for Sunday 18th September in the exact order of appearance.

About Me — Amy Jo 238641

It’s good to feel good. It’s better to feel great. It’s greater to feel the best. It’s best to feel. It’s a feeling that makes me feel best when feeling great or at worse, better. I’ve never felt better, she ran too fast. I tried to stay a head but the galloping body outpaced my feelings.

Better was born in Pasadena. In a conspiratorial tone, she once whispered to me “it was better being born Better than being wetter in Pasadena.” That’s when she fondled my breast and made me giggle. Better always made me feel great.

We watched ‘How to Build a Sex Room’ and wondered what luxurious item we wanted first. It would take two career entry points to make it work. Better switched over the channel. It was a documentary on how writers were bored to death. A revolution exposing the myth of writers seeking solace in alcohol and various recreational drugs. It was the boredom that killed them.

Cope or die.

