Costanoa Virtual Office Hours on How to Respond to Emerging Challenges

Costanoa Ventures
Costanoa Ventures
Published in
3 min readMar 20, 2020

Update: You can find all questions and answers covered in each session here.

We will host live office hours to share best practices and tactical responses to emerging challenges. This series is free and open to any startup founder or team member who wants to know:

  • How to raise a financing round from home
  • Best ways to managing remote employees
  • Keeping sales funnels full without the normal face-to-face channels
  • How to get new leads when all physical events are canceled

Each session will be led by previous startup operators who will answer the most common questions submitted via the registration page.

How to Respond and Manage Emerging Startup Challenges: The VC Perspective with Greg Sands, Founder and Managing Partner | Wednesday, March 25 from 12:00–12:30pm PT | Register

Greg Sands has over 20 years of experience in venture capital, including the challenges faced during the tech crash in 2000 and global financial crisis in 2008. He will share his perspective on how COVID-19 will affect startups, the impact it will have on valuations and future financings, and recommended steps to take to manage risks.

Click here for the summary of questions and answers.

Remote Sales Best Practices with Jim Wilson, Partner | Thursday, March 26 from 10:00–10:30am PT | Register

COVID-19 is having a profound effect on every direct sales organization. Jim Wilson was VP of Sales for Merced Systems during the 2008 global financial crisis, made it through, and helped continue growing the business until the company was acquired in 2012. He will talk through his recommended strategies to update forecasts, manage remote sales reps, and close late stage customers in a timely manner.

Click here for the summary of questions and answers.

Scenario Planning for Startup Founders with Mark Selcow, Partner | Friday, March 27 from 9:00–9:30am PT | Register

Mark Selcow built two startups during the 2000 tech crash and 2008 global financial crisis. The first, BabyCenter, was a pioneer in the consumer Internet and was sold to Johnson and Johnson in 2001. The second, Merced Systems, became the dominant provider of performance management software for large customer service functions and was sold to NICE Systems in 2012. In this session, he will cover the topics founders and CEOs need to scenario plan for and mitigate like burn, sales forecast, and product roadmap.

Click here for the summary of questions and answers.

Maintaining Your Top of Funnel with Martina Lauchengco, Partner | Monday, March 30 from 12:00–12:30pm PT | Register

Events and face-to-face activities will not be possible for a while. Martina Lauchengco ran marketing for Loudcloud during the 2000 tech crash and will discuss different ways to leverage virtual options and brainstorm creative outreach ideas to continue to build top of funnel demand.

Click here for the summary of questions and answers.

Preserving Team Culture and Interviewing Remotely with Michelle McHargue, Partner | Tuesday, March 31 from 12:00–12:30pm PT | Register

Michelle McHargue will discuss best practices on updating recruiting processes in response to travel restrictions and shelter-in-place policies as well as ideas to maintain a sense of team culture while working remotely.

Click here for the summary of questions and answers.

This is free and open to the public. Registration is required.



Costanoa Ventures
Costanoa Ventures

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