MediLOT at Deep Tech Summit 2018

MediLOT Technologies
MediLOT Technologies
2 min readSep 19, 2018

During the Singapore Week of Innovation & Technology (SWITCH) 2018, Prof Ooi Beng Chin (Co-Founder, MediLOT) and Dr Tien Tuan Anh Dinh (Senior Developer, MediLOT) were invited to lead a full-day workshop on Blockchain Research.

Speaking about all things blockchain in a panel discussion moderated by Steve Leonard (founding CEO, SGInnovate), the pair also talked about current challenges faced today but more importantly, how blockchain is the key to solving them.

At the workshop, Prof Ooi and Dr Anh showcased MediLOT’s opensource project, BlockBench — the world’s first evaluation framework for analysing private blockchains. It serves as a fair means of comparison for different platforms and enables deeper understanding of different system design choices. BlockBench measures overall and componentwise performance in terms of throughput, latency, scalability and fault-tolerance. Private chains, including Ethereum, Hyperledger Fabric, Parity and Quorum can be easily integrated to BlockBench via simple APIs to conduct comprehensive evaluation. BlockBench is just one of many cutting-edge technologies MediLOT uses.

To find out more about BlockBench, GEMINI, ForkBase and the other forms of technology that MediLOT utilises, more details can be found in our whitepaper here:

About MediLOT Technologies

MediLOT is a decentralised healthcare platform built on blockchain, Artificial Intelligence and database management system technologiesfor patients, healthcare providers, researchers and commercial companies. Integrating the principles of patient centricity, privacy, and equitable data sharing, MediLOT leverages on technologies with over 5 years of development that have been featured in numerous peer reviewed scientific publications.

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MediLOT Technologies
MediLOT Technologies

MediLOT is a decentralized health data protocol built on the principles of patient centricity, privacy, and equitable data sharing.