2 min readJul 4, 2018


QUOINE, a leading fintech company has announced it will launch the trade of the MRK! Our token will be available for public trading on the company’s global exchange QRYPTOS at the end of the week!

After having launched some of the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange QRYPTOS, QUOINE is currently building a global liquidity platform for all crypto investors, token issuers and a new generation of financial services customers. QUOINE is already one of the largest Crypto-Fiat exchanges in the world with over USD 12B annual transactions, and, as of 29th September 2017, became the first global cryptocurrency firm in the world to be officially licensed by the Japan Financial Services Agency (License 00002).

The listing of the MRK is not incidental, as stated by the company’s marketing representative: “Just like MARK.SPACE believes that VR technology should become a normal part of daily life, not limited only to those fortunate few who have the money; QUOINE believes in a world where everyone has access to premium financial services, not only the privileged few”. This mutually shared vision of a better future was a deciding factor for the digital currency’s listing. Furthermore, QRYPTOS has an open API that allows access to the key features of the platform, whereas QUOINE’s matching engine is capable of processing nearly one million transactions every second, providing a responsive user experience when placing orders.

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