I Don’t Hate Mondays

Don Cue
2 min readJul 5, 2015


Really, I don’t hate Mondays. Not anymore. I used to dread them.
Here’s what changed…

Everyone’s days are numbered. Most adults intrinsically understand that, but it’s not really something we think about. “Sure — we’re all going to die, yada-yada, today is the first day of the rest of my life, what-ev.”

Unless you’re a cancer patient. Then you feel these things differently. The brutal reality of a cancer diagnosis brings a number of messages. One of earliest is when it tells you what you already know — that you’re not going to live forever.

When days are numbered, we realize that we need to think differently. Mondays are 1/7th of my life. Do I have so many days that I can waste 14% of those unhappy? I decided not. Monday — the first day of the work week at my office job, is probably never going to be my favorite day of the week. But any Monday is one precious day, and for however Mondays there are left, I’m determined to live them.

So how do you do that? Like most personal change, you just decide to, then keep at it. Start on Sunday night. When the gloomies try to get a foothold, show them the door. I had to work at changing my mindset. I choose to see Monday as an opportunity, not a burden.

If I can embrace Monday, what else can I do that will give me more? If I can’t have more days in my life, can I have more life in my days? More what? More sunshine? Bike rides? More cherry pie? More hugs? More compassion?

Yes, all of those will do for a start.

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Don Cue

I live in the desert, but travel the world, seeing what looks and tastes good. I’m a designer, technologist, baker, builder, writer & incurable romantic.