You Should Hate Everything About Social Pressure

And a few helpful ways to cope with the stress of it.

Khyati Jain
Be Unique


Photo by Yasin Yusuf on Unsplash

How did everyone get so far ahead in life?

Did they finally found the magic lamp?

Did someone progressing in the game of life, means I am a loser?

Everyone knows a person, who is doing exceedingly well in life, in all aspects. They have the best job, the dream car, and even dreamier partner.

Getting married, having babies while you can not even hold onto a stable job. They portray all the things that you are scared of, May it be a relationship or parenthood.

It is hard to see these people slay every single day, managing so many responsibilities flawlessly. It feels like they were personally blessed by Beyonce.

Whenever you stalk them online, you end up feeling like a big pile of horse dung. You wonder how did they achieve so much, in so little time.

Here are some tips to help you get rid of this unnecessary social pressure.

Unfollow Them (quick solution)

Any person that you follow online should help you in becoming a better version of yourself. If you are following someone and their content is making you depressed about your…



Khyati Jain
Be Unique

10x Top Writer| Certified Yoga Trainer| I write about health, fitness, lifestyle, and more. Open to writing gigs. Contact:-