Trump attacks tech elite over hypothesis talk

Candidate turns anti-intellectual crusade towards Silicon Valley

Matto Rochford
Stir’dUp Stories


This story isn’t true. Yet.

Presidential hopeful Donald Trump made an impromptu stump speech today, berating jargon-spouting startup gurus and their “California values”.

In response to a journalist’s request to expand on his hypothesis around import tariffs, the Republican contender embarked on a tirade against fancy talk.

“I don’t have a hypothesis,” he said. “I don’t live in Silicon Valley. You know, out in the Valley, when they’re working on a new idea, a new opportunity, they’re always using big words like that, like hypothesis.”

“I don’t. I never have hypothes… what’s the plural? I can’t even spell hypothesis,” he said. “I have hunches.”

When another reporter pointed out that the term hypothesis is part of the popular Lean Startup process, Trump became even more dismissive.

“I’ve heard all that. I know about it. Somebody gave me the book,” he said. “Lean, lean … let me tell you something. Lean? A hunch is a hell of a lot leaner than a hypothesis.”

Trump’s campaign staff even designed a t-shirt to illustrate his point:

Click to buy the shirt in a variety of colors

** Click to buy the shirt **

“And don’t get me started on the iterating. Always iterating,” said Mr Trump. “You and me, ordinary Americans, real Americans, we try to improve things. But no, these tech people — improve sounds like anyone can do it — so they have to iterate on things. Iterate.”

And again, in case you missed it the first time:

This story isn’t true. Yet.

