investFeed Developer Diary #11

Implementations, Upgrades, and More Tipping

4 min readJan 21, 2018

First Charting Upgrade Now Implemented

We’re pleased to announce that the first stages of the charting upgrade that we featured in previous updates have been implemented directly on the investFeed platform. After thorough testing and design phases, we’ve gone for more of a night-mode feel for the overview chart, and the advanced charting in the background is using TradingView’s capabilities.

Advanced charting is available by clicking the expansion icon next to the price of the asset. After clicking the icon, a new window should appear with the custom URL extension and a TradingView chart that users can tool around with. After marking up their chart, users can hit the camera icon featured in the upper right-hand corner of the view to receive a link to post to the site. In the future, we’ll be integrating the ability for users to post the image of the chart directly to the feed. For now, this first-stage charting capability is available for all of our featured currencies.

We will most likely be experimenting with our charting moving forward, but for now, users have the ability to create custom charts without having to leave the investFeed platform. More pairs will be added to our system soon, as we’re still in the middle of upgrading our data to not only feature additional currencies, but a plethora of other metrics as well.

Article System Aesthetic Upgrades

Our article system has been officially upgraded on the platform with a completely new design. The “Articles” menu on the site will now provide an aggregate of all recently submitted articles (filterable with a few options), as well as tags that are trending. We will soon be pushing a sidebar widget to the platform with featured articles that will be curated. As we mentioned, we’re planning on migrating news content from investFeed Edge over to investFeed.

All legacy articles have now been updated with the new system as well to feature the latest aesthetic upgrades for a better reading experience. Tipping features on articles are both at the bottom as with regular posts, and on the sidebar. Sharing options and commenting options have been included in the new view as well.

Cover photos for articles are now featured in the feed-view, to give users a bit more flare when posting articles to the platform. Make sure to customize your own articles with a cover photo to attract more reader-attention.

Tipping Enabled For User Profiles

As an added bonus, we’ve increased tipping capabilities so users can now tip other users directly on their profile. This is included in the “condensed” view as well when viewing a user’s entire post history.

Currently in the Pipeline

Upgraded Data and Coin Images

We’re still in the process of updating our data to include not only every user-requested coin (and then some), but updated metrics and pop-out charting on the data page as well. We want to offer our users a robust alternative to the existing options that they may go to by default, right on the investFeed platform where they can socialize about the coins.

Premium Subscriptions to User Feeds

As mentioned in our previous update, the next IFT integration we’re currently working on is the premium subscription model. Users will have the ability to benefit from their posts by locking them for a price in IFT, as well as have a premium model in which subscribers that pay a set price will gain access to push notifications and a dedicated content stream that you set up. This option will allow users to push both non-premium, and premium content to the platform to first gain an audience, and then gain subscribers.

FAQ and How-To Documentation

One of the larger things that we’re excited to announce is the fact that we’re in the middle of producing a documentation page that will give users information on how to use the many features included on the investFeed platform. Although some of the previous developer updates include guides on how to tip, how to set up your allocated amount, how to set up Civic verification and more, we’d like to have a robust guide featured right on the platform in order to get users up-to-speed. Expect this sometime early next month!


As with all of these updates, we’re always squashing plenty of bugs in the background. If you have any questions make sure to send them to us either on the platform or on our Telegram. We are excited to have you on-board!

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investFeed is the first incentivized next-generation social investment network for cryptocurrencies.