Nasdaq Warming Up to Cryptocurrency

Shane Moser
Published in
2 min readApr 27, 2018

It wasn’t long ago that cryptocurrency was a largely unknown phenomena, a fringe concept that few people had even heard of, and even fewer being well educated on the subject. Crypto was a word shrouded in mystery, the entire world didn’t understand it.

While there is still no shortage of resistance against cryptocurrency, acceptance of cryptocurrency seems to grow by the day as major players start putting serious thinking and money towards its adoption. It started with transactions between people, then small businesses, large businesses, and finally with cryptocurrency being considered as a tradable asset on the Nasdaq.

Nasdaq CEO Adena Friedman

CEO of Nasdaq Adena Friedman had recently shared that future trading of cryptocurrency could possibly find its home on the Nasdaq. Saying that “it’s time, people are ready for a more regulated market, for something that provides a fair experience for investors”.

After the mass correction of the crypto market people are looking for regulatory foundations to stand on as trust seems to be the only thing missing between cryptocurrency and their investors. The unregulated market of cryptocurrency is a wealth of untapped potential, but without trust between it and it’s investors, the market still remains stilted in its growth.

With Nasdaq giving real thought to the future of cryptocurrency on the world’s financial stage, regulation seems to be the answer to the murky nature of the crypto world. Some would argue otherwise, that cryptocurrency must stay unregulated to be successful, as operating apart from regulation was the driving idea behind it’s existence in the first place.

Whatever your thoughts may be on regulation it seems evermore clear that there is a growing adoption of regulations when it comes to cryptocurrencies. It’s the only way existing financial markets can approach and be involved in the space.

It seems things will ultimately come down to some sort of compromise. There will be a range of cryptocurrencies, which on a scale will have varying amounts of regulation governing them. On one end of the scale would be the fully deregulated currencies, and as we move through the rest we see growing amounts of regulation. This diverse crypto-scape could provide just the right conditions for some very exciting financial growth and development.

As more and more regulation becomes introduced into the crypto space the outcomes will surely be something to keep your eye on.

