City on a Hill

Femi Senjobi
Published in
2 min readMar 13, 2020
Photo by Cedric Letsch on Unsplash

You are a city on a hill
Intently architectured
Purposely designed
Strategically positioned

You’re painstakingly assembled
The best of heaven
The most unassuming on earth
To become the excellency of God

Your walls are of salvation
And your gates, praise
Heaven is your source of light and rain
The wealth of the earth beneath you

Your watchmen are wide awake
Day after day, night after night
Proclaiming the visions of God
Waring side-by-side with Heaven’s host

Within you are peace and prosperity
Your little ones have no worries
They revel in joy and praise
Your aged ones declare the glory of the Lord

The temple of the Lord is your epicenter
Everything revolves around His purpose
The city drinks from the river of the sanctuary
And feasts on the harvest the river brings

You are a lesson for all
A display of God’s beauty
A sign for the unbelieving
Hope for Your brethren

You are a token of God’s ingenuity
A cynosure of heaven and earth
A result of God’s intention
A manifestation of heaven on earth

You’re a model city
Tourists learn about heaven’s culture
Visitors have a taste of God’s style
Dwellers experience the age to come

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Femi Senjobi
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